Birth Control Pills

California Now Offers Over-The-Counter Birth Control Pills

California is known for its progressive policies and a focus on health access. And in the series, it has taken a historic step towards reproductive health. The first over-the-counter birth control pill, is now available for the public. It can be bought without a doctor’s prescription. You can find it at most drug stores, convenience stores, grocery stores, and online. This move has significant implications for women’s healthcare access, and the rest of the nation is watching closely.

A Turning Point for Birth Control Access:

Since decades, birth control pills have been important in women’s reproductive healthcare. However, the requirement for a prescription created a barrier for many women. Factors like cost of doctor visits, lack of insurance coverage, or geographical limitations to clinics made obtaining a prescription difficult. California’s move to offer over-the-counter birth control resolves these challenges. It is expected to provide increased access and empower women to take control of their reproductive health.

Benefits of Over-the-Counter Birth Control:

Counter Birth Control

This policy will have several benefits: 

  • Increased Access: Over-the-counter availability will remove the hurdle of getting a doctor’s prescription. Birth control pills will be easily accessible. This will help the  underserved communities.
  • Convenience: Getting birth control will become as easy as shopping for groceries. Convenience could potentially help in lowering unintended pregnancy rates.
  • Cost Savings: It will remove the cost of doctor’s visit and prescription. It will become affordable for everyone.
  • Empowerment: Easier access to birth control can help women to make better and more informed choices about their bodies. This move might also help in family planning.

Potential Concerns:

Potential concern

Just like every coin has two side, while the benefits are substantial, there are also some concerns :

  • Medical Screening: Traditionally, doctor visits involve performing some tests for better insights. It helps in identifying any underlying health conditions that could interact with birth control. Over-the-counter access will remove this feature. People might need to be given stronger age-appropriate educational materials and clear warnings on potential side effects.
  • Misuse and Effectiveness: Not everyone is a good candidate for hormonal birth control. Thus if you are considering this option. You should properly educate yourself. Getting a pharmacist consultation can also help in ensuring the medication is used appropriately.
  • Insurance Coverage: Will insurance companies reimburse for over-the-counter birth control? This is a crucial question as cost is an important factor for many women.

Looking Forward:

The success of California’s over-the-counter birth control policy will depend on several factors.  Monitoring access, effectiveness, and potential drawbacks will be crucial. The decision to offer over-the-counter birth control is a significant step forward in women’s healthcare access.  While there are certain challenges, this policy has the potential to improve lives and help women across the state.  The pills are now readily available. California’s success could pave the way for a more accessible future for birth control across the US.

Understanding family planning option

Understanding Different Methods and Options For Family Planning

Most couples that start a new life together wish to plan their future on their own terms. Family planning is a very crucial aspect of planning your future. It provides you a  roadmap for your reproductive future. If you’re looking for family planning in Long Beach then you have come to the right place! In this blog, we will explore the various family planning options. So that you can choose the one that fits you best. Let’s get started!

Areas of Family Planning:

Family planning is very vasts. It extends far beyond just contraception. Here are the key areas it covers:

  • Birth Control: This is the most well-known aspect of family planning. It involves methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It also allows you to space pregnancies intentionally and plan next pregnancy according to your choice.
  • Fertility Awareness: These methods are simple. They help you track your fertile window, so that you can plan conception or avoid it naturally.
  • Preconception Health: This involves improving your physical and mental health before attempting pregnancy. So that you can get a healthy outcome.
  • Family Building Options: This involves various options for creating a family, including adoption, fostering, and assisted reproductive technologies (ART)

Exploring Birth Control Methods:

Birth Control Methods

Birth control offers a wide range of options. All these methods have their unique advantages and considerations. Let’s look at the most common methods:

  • Hormonal Methods: These methods regulate hormones to prevent ovulation or sperm fertilization. The methods include pills, patches, implants, injections, and vaginal rings. They are highly effective when used correctly. They can have some  side effects like mood swings or irregular bleeding for some users.
  • Barrier Methods: These methods physically block sperm from reaching the egg. Some of the popular options are condoms (male and female), cervical caps, and diaphragms. They are easily available, non-hormonal, and offer some protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They might have lower effectiveness rate as compared to hormonal methods.
  • Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): These are T-shaped devices, that are inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. They are long-lasting and highly effective. You just need to consult a healthcare professional for insertion and removal.
  • Sterilization: This is a permanent form of birth control for men (vasectomy) and women (tubal ligation). It’s a highly effective. You should only consider this option if you are 100% sure about not wanting a pregnancy as it’s not reversible.

Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABMs):

Fertility Awareness Methods

FABMs help you to understand your fertility cycle and track your fertile window. Here are some popular methods:

  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT): You need to monitor your waking body temperature daily to identify ovulation when there is a slight temperature rise.
  • Cervical Mucus Tracking: Observe changes in the consistency and amount of cervical mucus. This can also help in tracking your fertile window.
  • Calendar Methods: These methods involve tracking menstrual cycles to predict ovulation but are less reliable than other FABMs.

While FABMs are natural, they require discipline and accurate tracking. Additionally, they are less effective than hormonal methods and may not be suitable for everyone. Especially if you have irregular menstrual cycles, you should choose from other options.

Preconception Health:

Preconception health is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and future baby. These are a few ways to improve your health before conception:

  • Preconception checkup: Schedule a preconception checkup with your doctor. Discuss your medical history, family health background, and any existing conditions.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or underweight can have adverse effect on fertility.
  • Adopt a balanced diet:  Make sure you are getting all the essential nutrients.

Consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein

  • Take folic acid: This B vitamin helps prevent birth defects in the brain and spine.
  • Manage chronic health conditions: Make sure that your existing conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure are under control.

Family Building Options:

Family Building

There are some other Family planning options to create a family:

  • Adoption: Adoption provides a loving home for children in need. There are different types of adoption, such as domestic adoption, international adoption, and foster care adoption. You can choose any of these options.
  • Fostering: You can become a foster parent and provide temporary care for children who cannot live with their biological parents.
  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): This option includes medical procedures used to help people conceive.


Family planning is very important for a secure future. If you can do proper family planning, there’s a high chance that you would not have to worry about unwanted pregnancies or other problems. By the help of family planning you can also keep a check on your reproductive health. If you are looking for family plannig in Long Beach, make sure to thoroughly research all your options. If you are not confident with it, you can also consult an expert. Embrace the journey and Secure your future with family planning.

birth control and health control

Birth Control and Your Health

As a woman, choosing birth control seems like a great option to avoid any unwanted pregnancies. There are multiple birth control options available these days. But finding the right birth control option can be a challenge. Even though an option might feel like the best choice, you should understand the implications it can have on your health. If you’re looking for Birth Control in Los Angeles, Let’s explore the various options and the impact they can have.

Understanding Birth Control Options:

birth control option

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when looking for birth control options. The ideal method for you depends on your individual needs and lifestyle. Here are a few popular birth control options.

  • Hormonal Birth Control: This category includes the methods that regulate your hormones to prevent ovulation.
  • Oral Contraceptive Pills (The Pill): These pills come in various combinations of estrogen and progestin. They offer a convenient daily dose to prevent pregnancy. They can also regulate periods, reduce cramps, and improve acne.
  • The Patch: The patch is worn on your skin. It releases hormones similar to the pill. It needs to be changed weekly and has the same benefits as the pill.
  • The Vaginal Ring: This flexible ring is inserted into the vagina and releases hormones over a three-month period. It is very low-maintenance and can help in regulating periods and reducing cramps.
  • IUD (Intrauterine Device): IUDs are one of the most sought after options these days. IUDs are small, T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus for long-term (3-12 years) birth control.  They are available in hormonal and non-hormonal options. Hormonal IUDs thicken cervical mucus and suppress ovulation to prevent pregnancy.

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC):

These options last for several years and require minimal maintenance. These methods are highly effective and reversible.

  • Implantable Rod (Nexplanon): It is a thin rod which is inserted under the arm. It releases progestin for up to three years. It is convenient, private, and can improve acne and regulate periods.
  • Barrier Methods: This category involves physical barriers that prevent sperm from reaching the egg.
  • Condoms: Condoms are the most commonly used option. They come in male and female versions, and are easily available in the market. They also provide protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Diaphragm: This is a dome-shaped silicone cup with spermicide. It needs to be fit over the cervix, to block sperm entry. It requires fitting and proper use for effective results.
  • Spermicide: This is a spermicidal jelly, foam, or film that kills sperm on contact. It can be used alone or with other barrier methods for extra protection.
  • Natural Family Planning: If you do not wish to use any of the above mentioned options you can choose natural family planning. You just need to track your menstrual cycle and fertile window and avoid intercourse during ovulation. This is a non-hormonal method but it requires discipline and accurate cycle tracking for effective results.

Benefits of Choosing Birth Control:

choosing birth option

Apart from preventing pregnancy, birth control offers a many other health benefits as well. Here are a few:

  • Regulating Periods: Choosing hormonal birth control options can make periods shorter, lighter, and more regular. This can be a great help for women who experience heavy or irregular periods. It reduces discomfort and improves quality of life.
  • Reducing Cramps: As per a research, up to 84% of women experience moderate to severe cramps during periods. Hormonal birth control can significantly lessen cramps by regulating hormones that contribute to pain.
  • Improving Acne: Hormonal changes, particularly androgen levels, are the reason for bad acne. Birth Control options like the pill and certain IUDs can regulate these hormones, leading to clearer skin.
  • Lowering Risk of Certain Cancers: Research suggests that using hormonal birth control for a long time may reduce the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. It can also lower the risk of developing precancerous cervical cell changes.

Possible Side Effects:

possible side effects

While birth control offers a huge number of benefits, some women might experience side effects like breast tenderness, mood swings, or nausea, particularly during the initial adjustment period. These effects usually subside within a few months. If you’re exploring birth control in Los Angles there are many expert professionals available to help you. Consult a health care professional if you experience any discomfort.

The Takeaway:

Birth control is a powerful alternative whose benefits are not limited to just preventing pregnancy. It offers multiple health benefits, from regulating periods and reducing cramps to managing medical conditions and potentially lowering the risk of certain cancers. By understanding your options, having open conversations with your doctor, you can choose the right method for birth control in Los Angles. Understand your birth control options carefully. Choose the one that fits you best to live a healthier and happier life. 

Abortion center

A Comprehensive Look at Abortion and Pregnancy Options

Whether you’re considering abortion or exploring various paths during pregnancy, this resource aims to provide you with accurate information and unbiased insights. We believe that everyone deserves access to knowledge that empowers them to make informed choices aligned with their unique circumstances.


This comprehensive guide will delve into the different aspects of abortion, including methods, legal considerations, and emotional well-being. Additionally, it will explore alternative paths during pregnancy, highlighting the choices available and the factors to consider when making these decisions.


Our goal is to break down the complexities surrounding abortion center in Los Angeles and pregnancy options, fostering an environment of understanding and support. By presenting information in simple language, we aim to empower individuals to navigate this journey with confidence and clarity. Whether you’re seeking answers for yourself or supporting someone else, this guide is designed to be a reliable companion in making informed and compassionate choices.


Why is the choice of having an abortion essential?

Abortion centerAbortion is considered essential for women because it recognizes and respects a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body and reproductive health. The choice to have an abortion  is a deeply personal one, influenced by various factors such as individual circumstances, health considerations, and personal beliefs.


For women, the ability to access safe and legal abortion center in Los Angeles ensures control over their reproductive choices. It allows them to navigate complex situations and make decisions that align with their life circumstances. Abortion becomes essential in cases of unplanned pregnancies, where women may not be ready for the physical, emotional, or financial responsibilities of raising a child.


Moreover, abortion is vital for safeguarding women’s health. In situations where a pregnancy poses risks to the woman’s well-being, having the option of a safe and legal free abortion services is crucial. This includes cases of medical complications or instances where continuing the pregnancy may jeopardize the woman’s physical or mental health.


Exploring Choices and Making Wise Decisions

Abortion center

While abortion center in Los Angeles is a valid and legal choice, some individuals may consider continuing their pregnancy. Exploring alternatives involves understanding the various options available and making informed decisions based on individual circumstances.




  • Choosing to become a parent is a significant decision that involves embracing the responsibilities and joys of raising a child.
  • It may be helpful to consider factors such as emotional readiness, financial stability, and support systems.




  • Adoption is an option where individuals choose to place the child in the care of adoptive parents.
  • Open adoptions allow for ongoing contact between birth parents and adoptive families, providing transparency and communication.


Parenting and Educational Support:

  • Some organizations and community programs offer parenting and educational support to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies.
  • These programs provide resources, counseling, and assistance to help navigate the challenges of parenthood while pursuing educational goals.


Foster Care:


  • For individuals who may not be ready for permanent parenting, foster care provides temporary care for the child with licensed foster parents.
  • This option allows for the child to receive care while the birth parent addresses their circumstances.


Factors To Consider While Making a Decision

Abortion center

Personal Values and Beliefs:


  • It’s essential to reflect on personal values and beliefs when making decisions about pregnancy.
  • Understanding one’s beliefs can help in aligning choices with individual convictions.


Health and Well-Being:


  • Considering physical and mental health is crucial when evaluating pregnancy options.
  • Seeking medical advice and support can provide valuable insights into the potential impact on health.


Emotional Support:


  • Engaging with a supportive network, including friends, family, or counseling services, can offer emotional support during this challenging time.
  • Talking about feelings and concerns can help individuals make decisions that feel right for them.



Final Thoughts


As we conclude this comprehensive exploration of abortion and pregnancy options, our central aim has been to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed and compassionate choices, whether you are personally navigating these decisions or offering support to someone else.


Recognizing the essential nature of the choice to have an abortion is at the heart of our discussion. It’s about acknowledging and respecting a woman’s autonomy over her own body and reproductive health. In circumstances of unplanned pregnancies or when the health and well-being of the woman are at stake, access to safe and legal abortion services becomes a vital component of reproductive freedom.


However, we understand that each individual’s journey is unique, and exploring alternatives is a valid and personal decision. Whether considering parenting, adoption, or foster care, each option comes with its considerations. The key lies in reflecting on personal values, seeking medical advice, and engaging with emotional support to make decisions aligned with individual convictions and well-being.

post abortion care

Understanding Post Abortion Care: What to Expect

It is always difficult for an individual to make a decision about abortion. As this decision requires strong physical and emotional well-being. There are many ways to have an abortion but all methods require proper care. Especially, when it comes to post-abortion care, it plays an essential role in safe recovery and providing support throughout the entire process. In this blog post, you will explore and learn about what post-abortion care entails and what individuals can expect during this period. 


What To Expect After An Abortion


what to expect after abortion


Immediate Recovery – Whether it’s a medical or surgical procedure, the body requires time to heal after an abortion. If you follow an immediate procedure, you may experience cramping and some bleeding, which is considered normal. The healthcare provider will offer the best guidance to obtain appropriate medication that give you relief from pain and manage any discomfort. 


Emotional Support – The abortion procedure involves distinct emotions at the same time. It is vital to address them with compassion and understanding. Many healthcare providers offer counseling as a part of post-abortion care to help individuals navigate their emotions and feelings. Further, it helps them to cope with any emotional challenges they may face. The sessions provide a secure space to express emotions and discuss concerns, and receive guidance on emotional well-being. 


Physical Recovery – After an abortion, the physical recovery period varies, and it all depend on the type of procedure and individual circumstances. It’s important to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider or doctor regarding post-abortion care. It includes the following:


  • Rest and Recovery – Undoubtedly, rest is vital so that your body heals quite faster. You can avoid strenuous activities, intense exercise, or heavy lifting for a few days. Even your healthcare provider also suggests you take maximum rest.


  • Hygiene and Self-care – You have to maintain good hygiene so that you can avoid infections. Take all the prevention, such as using sanitary pads instead of tampons for some time. It will help in avoiding the introduction of bacteria into the vagina. Also, taking a shower instead of a bath also minimizes the risk of infection. 


  • Medication and Follow-up Appointments – You can obtain antibiotic or pain relief medication from your healthcare provider. It is essential to follow all the instructions related to medication and fulfill them. In addition, you may also get the entire knowledge of follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery progress is monitored. 


Contraception and Family Planning – Post-abortion care includes a detailed discussion about contraception and family planning. It is important to explore contraceptive options and select a method that matches your preferences and needs. Even you can get the assistance of healthcare providers to obtain information and guidance on various methods, including IUDs, oral contraceptives, implants, condoms, and more. 


Post-Abortion Complications – There are very less chances of complications related to post-abortion, yet it is essential to be aware of potential signs of infection or other related issues. In such a situation, you can contact your healthcare provider if you experiencing heavy bleeding, severe pain, foul-smelling discharge, or fever. To avoid serious complications, seeking medical attention on time is more effective. 


What is the role of healthcare clinics in post-abortion?


abortion clinic Los Angeles


Choosing a reputed healthcare clinic near you is always a great idea. The trained professionals in the clinic assist better, they conduct medical evaluations to assess the physical health of an individual after the abortion procedure. The abortion clinic in California, like Her Smart Choice, offers a same-day appointment, a safe and non-judgmental environment for patients to express their feelings, address concerns or conflicts, and receive guidance in coping with post-abortion emotions. 


Not only this, but healthcare clinics provide accurate and reliable information about post-abortion care that is very helpful for individuals. They educate patients about the recovery process and the potential complications that they may face. Further, the experts of the clinic help you by providing you with proper knowledge and tips for a healthy recovery. Clinics may also provide reliable information on contraception methods, reproductive health, and family planning to help patients to make informed decisions about the future and their reproductive choices. 


Even you will get adequate contraceptive counseling and provision on family planning. Doctors or healthcare providers in clinics help you to understand the different methods of post-abortion, their effectiveness, benefits, and potential side effects, and offer adequate follow-up care.  




The above-given passages include all the comprehensive information about post-abortion care. This approach focuses on the emotional and physical well-being of individuals following abortion care services. This information helps you to understand how to face the situation wisely and navigate the recovery process without any stress. By seeking appropriate support, care, and follow-ups, individuals can ensure a safe and healthy recovery after an abortion. 


Remember, experienced healthcare providers of Her Smart Choice guide you throughout the procedure anytime over a call or walk-in appointment.  

Category: Abortion
can you get std without having sex

Concerns & Precautions: Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex

Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex? The answer is Yes you can.

Many of you may not be familiar with the possibility of getting an STD without having sex. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is a disease that is associated with sexual activity, but you can get STDs without having sex.


In the following passages, you’ll learn about the several ways how can you get an STD without having sex. You may also get aware of the misconception related to non-sexual STDs concern and prevention. If you want to keep your sexual health safe then you have to understand these alternative transmission routes. So, let’s dive and learn about non-sexual STD transmission


STDs Without Having Sexual Intercourse

non sexual stds

Mother-To-Child Transmission – One way is mother-to-child transmission through which you can acquire STDs without sexual intercourse. It is the primary way and is also known as vertical transmission. The infection can be passed during pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding, from the mother to her baby. However, STDs like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and herpes can be transmitted in this way that are explained further:


HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus that is popular as HIV, can be transmitted from mother to child. It may happen when an HIV positive mother is  pregnant, giving birth to a child, or breastfeeding. 


Syphilis: Syphilis is caused when a pregnant woman has untreated syphilis bacteria. Otherwise the infection can be transmitted to the fetus. It leads to congenital syphilis that can cause serious health complications for the baby. 


Hepatitis B: The HBV virus can be transmitted from an infected mother to newborn child during child’s birth. This viral infection affects the liver and causes chronic diseases untreated. 


Blood And Needle Exposure – Another significant way is via blood and needle exposure for non-sexual STD Transmission. The already used or shared needles, syringes, or drug paraphernalia can transmit blood-borne infections, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. This infection can be transmitted with the contact of infected blood or other body fluids. 


Skin-to-skin Contact  – Some of the STDs like herpes, can be transmitted through skin contact. It doesn’t require sexual engagement. It consists of close contact during intimate activities, such as kissing or oral sex, the presence of open sores. These activities can facilitate the transmission of these sexually transmitted infections. 

To exemplify, herpes can be caused through the direct transmission from skin contact without engaging in sexual intercourse. The HSV can be transmitted through contact with oral, genital, or anal areas, specially when there are active sores present. 


Environment Exposure – Some STDs can be acquired through environmental exposure. To exemplify, there are public lice (crabs) that can spread with the sharing of contaminated bedding, towels, or clothing. Similarly, trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection that can be contracted through sex toys and damp towels.   


Precautions That You Need To Know

STD precautions

Practice Abstinence – Well, it’s a quite difficult task to practice abstinence but it is the most effective way to prevent STDs. If you choose to abstain from any sexual activity the risk of sexually transmitted infections can be eliminated. Abstinence is a personal choice and should be respected. 


Education & Awareness – It is essential to stay informed about STDs, even if you’re not active sexually. You can get knowledge of different types of infections and the potential risks associated with each. In such a situation, you can seek reliable sources of information, including healthcare websites, providers, and resources to stay updated about sexual health. 


Communicate and Set Boundaries – In any relationship, it is essential to set boundaries and make direct communication, whether it involves sexual activity or not. You can express your expectations and boundaries to your partner regarding physical contact and potential risks. Make sure to have open and clear communication to build trust and understanding. 


Maintain Personal Hygiene – To prevent STD transmission, it is essential to follow and adopt good personal hygiene practices, such as washing your hands with soap regularly, especially before eating. Make sure to keep your body clean and maintain proper genital hygiene. Use mild soaps without any harsh chemicals or scents to clean the genital area. 


Be Cautious in Medical Settings – Make sure to follow proper safety measures to control infections when seeing medical care. You can verify healthcare providers to ensure that they follow all the protocols when using medical instruments, needles, and other equipment.


Blood-borne Infections Information – Make sure to stay informed about blood-borne infections that can be transmitted through sharing needles or with contact with contaminated blood. Before receiving any medical treatment that includes the use of needles or blood products, make sure that healthcare providers use sterile equipment.




The above-given information on the cause of STDs without sexual engagement and their prevention will be helpful for you. It clearly explains that sexually transmitted diseases are not limited to sexual intercourse alone but it’s a widespread disease. You can take prevention only if you’re aware of the several situations that can cause STDs without sexual intercourse. 


Prevention can be possible only if you follow all the above-given precautions and preventive measures positively. Make sure to make the communication clear and be cautious in medical settings and take other precautions to reduce the risk of contracting STDs. Empower yourself with the right and up-to-date knowledge to make informed choices and protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

Exploring the Convenience of Depo-Provera: How it Simplifies Birth Control


Is Depo-Provera considered the right contraceptive method? There are so many questions revolving in women’s minds related to the adequate method that can avoid pregnancy safely. Devo-Provera, commonly known as the birth control shot, is an injectable method for women to prevent pregnancy. 


This hormonal contraceptive option comes under the birth control shot. It is given on a regular schedule every three months. The best part is that it doesn’t require any daily action. Even so, it is effective if the injection is taken as per the schedule and the healthcare provider’s prescription. You can also visit the nearby abortion clinic in Los Angeles or other areas to get more information on Depo-Provera. 


Why choose Depo Provera?

Depo Provera

Depo Provera is the birth control shot also called Depo shot. Basically, this medication is injected into the arm or buttocks of the patient. This shot contains a progesterone hormone which provides protection against pregnancy for up to 14 weeks. Besides, you need to receive one shot every 12 weeks. 


How does this method work?


This method consists of the synthetic hormone progestin. Here’s how Depo-Provera works: 


Inhibition of ovulation –  The Depo shots work primarily by inhibiting ovulation which indicates the release of an egg from the ovaries. The progestin in it suppresses the secretion of hormones which are important for the development and release of eggs. Prevent ovulation from occurring without which pregnancy cannot take place. 


Changes in cervical mucus – This Depo shot method affects the quality and consistency of cervical mucus. The thickness of cervical mucus makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the cervix. 


Changes in uterine lining – Another effect of this method is that the line of the uterus becomes thin. It lessens the chance of fertilized egg and pregnancy. 


Further, the combination of the above-mentioned mechanisms makes Depo-Provera an effective contraception form. It provides safe birth control after alteration in these methods. 


How it is different from other Birth Control types?

birth control options


There is a minor difference between this injectable type of birth control and other forms. You have no need to follow the birth control shot routine regularly, just obtain a shot every three months from the healthcare provider of a women’s health clinic. Don’t forget to follow the schedule of receiving shots on time. 


From where can I receive Depo-Provera?


Not all medication is easily available, some like Depo-Provera require a proper prescription by your healthcare provider or gynecologist. Mostly the injection is given in women’s healthcare centers by the provider or a nurse, also they can visit your home for the same. Further, your provider will guide you during the whole procedure, whether you do it on your own at your place or visit the nearest clinic of medical abortion in California. 


How can you use this method?

use depo provera


The steps to use Depo-Provera consists of the following terms:

  • The first injection should be given within the first 7 days of a menstrual period. 
  • It can be given later only if you and your healthcare provider are confident that you aren’t pregnant. 
  • The provider may have to take a pregnancy test before getting the shot. 
  • Once the provider gives you the shot, nothing will be changed. 
  • Make sure to receive another shot once every three months to remain fully protected.
  • You can ask your healthcare professionals about the best timings of shots and the risks of missing a shot. 


How soon does it work? 

Depo-Provera works instantly after receiving the shot during your menstrual period. If it has been taken at another time during your cycle, then you have to wait for a week or maybe 10 days to have intercourse to prevent pregnancy.


Advantages of using Depo-Provera


There are some benefits of using this birth control method, including:

  • No need to consume it every day or remember it before sexual intercourse.
  • Provides long-term protection as long as you get the shot on time.
  • It doesn’t interfere with sexual activity.
  • Do not interfere with sexual activities.
  • It is highly effective.


May you become pregnant after stopping the use of Depo-Provera?

Well, after taking the Depo-Provera, you can become pregnant after 12 or 14 weeks of your last shot. It could take some time to conceive the child again after the use of Depo-Provera. If any of you want to become pregnant if you miss a dose of the birth control shot. 


A note from Her Smart Choice


From the above information in the passages, it can be analyzed that it is important to find the adequate birth control method that fits your lifestyle and aims. You can take the help of a healthcare provider on the factors, such as birth control, or your late plans for pregnancies. Overall, this birth-control shot is good for women who don’t want to take a routine contraceptive. Yet, meet with the talented healthcare professionals at a medical abortion clinic in California. 


Vaginal Discharges: Types, Causes, and When to Seek Medical Attention

Women have to face several health concerns that influence them to stay proactive all the time. Vaginal discharges are one of them. It is a normal and natural occurrence in women’s reproductive health, but sometimes it highlights some serious changes. The change in color, odor, and consistency in vaginal discharges becomes a matter of concern.


Further, this common concern is divided into two most widespread causes – bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. The causes of this condition include itching, discomfort, and disruption in vaginal health that can be severe for women’s reproductive health. 


Undoubtedly, these conditions create discomfort, yet it is essential to understand them to get the right treatment on time at your nearest women’s health clinic. This is only possible if you have prior knowledge.


In this blog, you will explore and learn about the advantages of understanding bacterial and yeast infections. Here you will learn about early detection, treatment decisions, and overall vaginal health. This valuable insight allows you to protect yourself against severe conditions and receive a cure timely. 


Bacterial Vaginosis


Do you know that an imbalance in vaginal bacteria is the primary cause of bacterial vaginosis? The change in pH can cause the overgrowth of bacteria inside the vagina that become increasingly dominant. Further, there are some risk factors that included, sexual activity, douching, or the use of any particular hygiene products. 


Symptoms: The common symptoms of BV are thin, fishy, grayish-white discharge with a bad odor that can happen after sex or during menstruation. An individual can also feel vaginal itching and burning during urination. The diagnostic methods are used in women’s healthcare clinics to analyze the infection.


BV symptoms can come back within 3 to 12 months of treatment. But, if you left it untreated, it may increase the risk of similar infections and STIs that can put women’s reproductive life at risk. 


Yeast Infections


The cause of yeast infection is an overgrowth of a fungus known as candida fungus. You can identify its risk factors, such as a weak immune system, hormone changes, and the use of high-sugar diets.


Symptoms:  You can see the symptoms, including burning during sex or urination, pain, soreness or itching, redness or swelling around the vaginal opening, and a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge. 


Yeast infection in a mild stage can go away easily without treatment or with professionals’ guidance. Yet if you’re pregnant and have a vaginal yeast infection, it can be risky. Especially, if you’re giving birth vaginally, you may pass the infection to the baby in oral form.  


Causes & Treatments Of Each Infection


vaginal discharges causes & treatments


In simple terms, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is bacterial in nature, whereas yeast infection is fungal. When the Candida fungus overgrows, it causes yeast infections. On the other hand, when one of the bacteria in your vagina overgrows, it causes BV. It has been noticed that a change in an individual’s vaginal pH may trigger BV. 


Early Detection & Right Treatment


  • If an individual is able to understand the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections then it becomes easy to detect them earlier.
  • Early diagnosis prevents complications and lowers the seriousness of the infection.
  • Recognition of seeking medical attention enables individuals to obtain appropriate treatment before the condition gets worse. 


Informed Treatment Decisions


  • If an individual knows about the cause and characteristics of both vaginal discharge causes, it empowers them to make an informed treatment decision. 
  • Prior awareness of the treatments, counter medication, and natural and prescribed medications helps individuals pick the approach that fits best with their preferences. 
  • Knowledge of treatment options helps in an open and productive discussion with doctors or healthcare professionals. It also leads to effective treatment. 


Prevention and Recurrence Management


  • Detailed knowledge of both abnormal vaginal discharge causes helps in preventing the risk of occurrence. 
  • If an individual has the knowledge of risk factors, including antibiotics, certain hygiene practice, and hormonal changes, help them to make informed choices. 
  • Know the awareness strategies to maintain a healthy vaginal environment, like wearing breathable clothes, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing hygiene. 


Regular Prevention:


To prevent vaginal infections, you can practice safe sex. 


  • Use wipes or paper to wipe the front and back after using the washroom.
  • Wear loose-fitting undergarments. 
  • Immediately change out of wet clothes or bathing suits. 
  • Avoid the use of scented soaps on the sensitive body part.
  • Avoid spending excess time in hot bathtubs. 


Overall Vaginal Health Awareness:


  • Awareness of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis is essential for women to understand vaginal health and its importance for a healthy reproductive life. 
  • If an individual has the proper knowledge, they can maintain their optimal vaginal health by following regular check-ups and self-care practices. 
  • Awareness of vaginal health leads to overall well-being and helps women prioritize self-care and a healthy lifestyle. You will also get to know when you need professional assistance. 


When To See A Healthcare Provider


healthcare provider


Make sure to keep in mind the following tips while making an appointment:

  • If this is the very first time that you’re experiencing the yeast infection’s symptoms.
  • If you’ve experienced it before, but now you’re not aware of it 
  • If you may know that you have BV. 




The understanding and information about women’s health also brings numerous prevention and health benefits if detected earlier. Prior knowledge allows an individual to make informed decisions on time and present from infection. From the above statements, you may be familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of vaginal discharge. 


Moreover, bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are required to remain healthy for the long-term well-being of women and their reproductive health. For more detailed knowledge and efficient reproductive healthcare services, you may reach the reliable and nearest women’s health center.


Category: Women's Health

Role Of Counseling In Abortion Clinics: Supporting Patients’ Choices

The complexity of the abortion decision is very challenging, both mentally and physically, for the patients and their families. Thousands of questions are revolving in the patient’s mind, whether it is about post-abortion care or procedure safety.

Here, counseling in an abortion clinic plays a vital role in providing you with safety tips and compassionate care. Counseling helps patients make wise and right decisions about their reproductive health or provides emotional support.

There are many assumptions related to abortion counseling, who provides it and issues in counseling, but it is vital to understand its clear concept. The main focus of the counselor is to establish women’s consent to abortion. A proper understanding of her choices and the medical risks, if any, provided by a counselor.

Generally, counselors can use nonmedical or layman’s language. Emotional support can be provided by establishing rapport with the patient, listening actively, giving permission to excessively express feelings, and remaining non-judgmental.

Some major concerns that always appear in the abortion counseling session can be conflict with the partner, anger, fear of pain, future childbearing, and easy decision-making. Further, education and discussion help to alleviate fears.

Counseling allows you to address any concerns and get satisfactory support and solutions. In this blog, you will get to know more about the importance of abortion care and counseling in the Center for Women’s Health and how it supports patients’ choices.

Common areas to focus on for the abortion counselor include setting up counseling, stress, burnout, and coping with special patients.


How does abortion counseling work?

how abortion counseling work

Generally, abortion counseling has three main purposes for which it works honestly and adequately. Here are the purposes behind abortion counseling:

First, the counselor’s main focus is to help the patient make a wise decision about the unwanted pregnancy to avoid any later complications.

Secondly, counseling helps women make informed decisions and implement them.

Third, counseling assists women with the methods of controlling their future fertility.

Overall, from pre-abortion to the follow-ups of post-abortion, counseling works as the best therapy for many people.


Why is counseling considered important in Women’s Health Clinics?

Counseling is important as it provides an opportunity for patients to discuss their queries with trained professionals. Whether it is about implications, care, or abortion options, the following reasons explain why counseling is important:

Making Informed- decisions: Counseling helps patients understand their reproductive health and make an informed decision. During your session, you’ll get to know all about the abortion procedure, its complications, potential risks, and other alternatives.

Addressing Concerns: Patients may have many concerns and queries related to abortion procedures that are answered by a counselor. Patients will be provided with a safe and confidential space to convey their concerns without hesitation. Sometimes professionals also address your concerns and guide you accordingly.

Emotional Support – The trained professional knows how stressful and challenging abortion is. So they provide emotional support to the patients and prepare them for an abortion procedure. They also help them cope with their emotions during and after the process.

Planning For The Future – Patients can also discuss their future reproductive health needs in counseling. The information on the options for contraception and planning for future pregnancies.


What is the role of counselors in abortion clinics?

abortion clinic

Counselors play a vital role in an abortion clinic by providing support to patients. The trained professionals support the patients without bias or judgment. Now, learn about the commitments and roles of counselors in women’s health clinics:

Exploring Personal Values and Beliefs: Personal values and beliefs are also an essential part of counseling. Counselors help patients explore their inner selves and values to make the right decision. Basically, counselors use an indirect approach to help patients make decisions about their choices and promote self-acceptance. 

Decision Clarity and Confidence: When it comes to decision-making about abortion, it becomes complicated for individuals. Counselors follow a process of exploration to provide clarity to the patient and add confidence to their decision. They encourage patients with their detailed guidance and support. 

Pre and Post Abortion Counseling: Counselors play a vital role in providing counseling to prepare patients. It covers the abortion procedure, discusses what to expect, and addresses concerns. It will help patients reduce anxiety and get prepared for the treatment.

Post-abortion counseling also provided emotional support, including contraception and future reproductive health.

Private and Confidential Conversation: Don’t get worried about privacy as the entire conversation upholds confidential guidelines. They ensure that the patient’s information remains private and secure. Their commitment creates a safe environment for women to discuss sensitive or personal matters. 



To conclude the above-given information, the counseling role in abortion clinics is critical to supporting patients’ choices. It not only provides them with information but also guidance and emotional support. Counselors help patients access their needs. Further, it depicts the support provided to patients throughout the entire procedure. From initial abortion decision-making to post-abortion follow-up, counseling helps patients choose options wisely and make firm decisions. Also, the counselor ensures the patient receives adequate healthcare services without any burden or fear.


Everything You Need to Know About IUDs: The Most Effective Form of Contraception

There are a few birth control methods to prevent pregnancy, and the intrauterine device is one of them. Generally, it is popular as IUDs contraception in medical terms. Do you know that its popularity increasing day by day among women?

One reason can be its long-term duration and hassle-free methodology for birth control. Another can be that it is considered the most effective form of contraception. 

IUD is a T-shaped device that is used to prevent pregnancy. The device is made of plastic or copper that is inserted into the uterus by doctors or women’s health specialists.


How does it exactly work?

how IUDs work

The IUDs contraception further divide into two categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing a small amount of progestin hormone. This hormone is exactly similar to the one present in birth control pills. Its work is to thicken the cervical mucus which doesn’t let sperm reach the egg.

On the other hand, non-hormonal IUDs are covered with copper wire. It creates an inflammatory reaction in the uterus which prevent fertilization with its toxic behavior toward sperm.

The procedure of these IUD types is done under professional care. The healthcare providers insert IUD into the uterus and leave it in the same place for up to 3-12 years, based on the type of IUD.


Need To Know: IUD devices are reversible. Any woman who wants to become pregnant can get it removed anytime.


Benefits of IUDs

Extremely Effective Device– IUDs have a very lower failure rate of less than 1%. Even it is considered as the most effective form of contraception.

Long-Lasting Results – Well, it is based on the type of IUD you are using, but it can provide up to 3-12 years without any maintenance.

No Daily Routine – IUDs don’t need any on-demand or daily usage as birth control pills or condoms are. So, it isn’t required to follow a daily routine. 

Secure – IUDs contraception are known to be the safest device with very few side effects. Even it is the best option for those women who don’t prefer hormone birth control methods because of their health issues.

Easily reversible – IUD can be removed if a woman wants to become pregnant again or no longer wants to use this device.


Who shouldn’t allow using an IUD?


The use of IUDs contraception is common and effective, but there are certain situations in which women are suggested to not use an IUD. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • If you’re pregnant, you may avoid the use of an IUD.
  • If you already have an active sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • If you’re at potential risk for contracting an STI.
  • If you have unexplained and over-vaginal bleeding.

Besides, you are suggested to not use copper IUDs if you have an allergy or any genetic disease related to copper.


What happens before an IUD is inserted?

IUD insertion

First of all, your healthcare provider will enquire about your health and lifestyle to ensure you’re ready for IUD  insertion. There will be two tests happens, including pregnancy tests or STIs beforehand to ensure your health updates.

You can talk to your health provider about the volume of the pain and its management before the procedure. Some women tolerate the pain while IUD insertion without any problem. Others avoid it only because they feared from the thought of its experience.

In such a situation, it is good if you take the advice of your healthcare provider. They can recommend you the best pain medication beforehand to lower the pain. Also, you may not feel discomfort after insertion. Well, the providers may numb the area of insertion before the procedure to keep you comfortable. However, it is essential to communicate openly with your provider to avoid anxiety and lessen the fear of getting an IUD treatment.


How to get an IUD insertion?

IUDs insertion

It is a good decision if you’re interested in an IUD insertion. For that, you may talk to the healthcare providers by visiting the nearest birth control clinic. They can detect and help you to decide which IUD can be suited best to you as per your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences.

In addition, the IUD insertion process usually takes 10 minutes or less. The process can be done in the healthcare provider’s office. The provider inserts the IUD through the cervix or into your uterus. It may discomfort you for a few minutes during the procedure but then all will be okay. After insertion, you can follow your normal activities and routine.



To conclude the above information related to IUDs contraception, including its procedure and benefits, may guide you well with the procedure. This device is safe, effective, and long-lasting to prevent pregnancy in the long term or for birth control. Its benefits always outweigh its demerits if you go through proper healthcare consultancy. If you’re interested in IUD insertion, make sure to talk to your nearest women’s health clinic. Her Smart Choice is always here to listen to your queries and provide the right guidance.

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