spotting vs bleeding

Spotting vs. Bleeding: Understanding Changes After Abortion

Going through an abortion is always considered a deeply emotional journey, and debate on it is still going on. One of the crucial topics in abortion, which is in the headlines nowadays, is understanding the difference between spotting and bleeding after an abortion.


It’s important to understand that the body goes through various changes during and after the procedure. One aspect that can cause confusion and concern is spotting or bleeding.


Further, you’ll explore the differences between spotting and bleeding after an abortion, common causes, and when to seek medical assistance. Understanding these changes can help provide reassurance and peace of mind during the post-abortion period.


Spotting or bleeding after an abortion is a normal occurrence. It is the body’s way of healing and recovering from the procedure. However, it’s essential to distinguish between spotting and bleeding to better understand what is considered normal and what might require medical attention.


Spotting vs Bleeding  


Spotting is characterized by light vaginal bleeding that is often pink or brown in color. It may appear as small drops of blood on a pad or when wiping after using the bathroom. Spotting is typically minimal and doesn’t require the use of a regular menstrual pad. It’s important to note that spotting can occur for several weeks after an abortion, and its duration can vary from woman to woman. 


On the other hand, bleeding refers to a more significant flow of blood that may require the use of a regular menstrual pad. While some degree of bleeding is expected after an abortion, it is crucial to monitor the amount of blood loss. If you are soaking through pads within a short period of time or experiencing heavy bleeding that resembles a period, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly.


 Common Causes Of Spotting After An Abortion


spotting after abortion


Now that we understand the difference between spotting and bleeding, let’s explore the common causes of spotting after an abortion:


Hormonal Changes: After an abortion, there is a significant shift in hormone levels as the body adjusts to the absence of pregnancy. These hormonal changes can lead to spotting as the uterus sheds its lining.


Tissue Expulsion: During the abortion procedure, the uterus is emptied, and the remaining pregnancy tissue is expelled (if any). This process can cause spotting as the body eliminates the remaining tissue.


Healing Process: The body goes through a healing process after an abortion, and spotting can occur as the uterus heals and any small wounds or abrasions from the procedure begin to close.


It is essential to note that the intensity and duration of spotting can vary from woman to woman. Some may experience only a few days of light spotting, while others may have intermittent spotting for several weeks. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your healthcare provider and reach out to them if you have any concerns about the amount or duration of the spotting.


When You Should Seek Medical Assistance


women's health clinic


While spotting is generally considered normal after an abortion, there are instances when you should seek medical assistance:


Heavy Bleeding: If you are experiencing heavy bleeding that requires changing pads frequently (soaking through more than one pad per hour) or if you pass large clots, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Heavy bleeding can be a sign of complications and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.


Prolonged Spotting: If you are experiencing prolonged spotting that lasts longer than a few weeks or if the spotting becomes heavier over time, it’s a good idea to consult your healthcare provider. Prolonged or increasing spotting may indicate an underlying issue that requires medical evaluation.


Persistent Pain: While some level of cramping and discomfort is expected after an abortion, persistent or severe pain that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medications should be addressed by a healthcare professional.


Remember, your healthcare provider is there to support you throughout the post-abortion period. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you have any concerns or questions about your recovery.


Tips To Manage Spotting – Following Healthy Recovery After Abortion


how to stop spotting


To manage spotting and promote a healthy recovery after an abortion, here are some tips:


Rest and Take It Easy: Give your body the time and rest it needs to heal. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise for a few days after the procedure.


Use Appropriate Protection: During the spotting phase, it’s recommended to use pads instead of tampons to minimize the risk of infection. Change pads regularly to maintain good hygiene.


Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to support your overall well-being and aid in the healing process. 


Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions: Your healthcare provider will provide specific aftercare instructions tailored to your situation. It’s crucial to follow these instructions closely to ensure a smooth recovery.


Final Thoughts


To conclude, spotting or bleeding after an abortion is a normal part of the healing and recovery process. Spotting, characterized by light vaginal bleeding, is usually expected and can last for several weeks. However, it’s important to monitor the amount and duration of the bleeding to ensure it remains within a normal range. 


Seek medical attention if you experience heavy bleeding, prolonged spotting, or persistent pain. Her Smart Choice, a leading abortion center near you, is available with same-day appointments and walk-in checkup facilities. So, if you feel any discomfort, feel free to reach out!

Nexplanon and birth control

Nexplanon Birth Control: How Effective Is It at Preventing Pregnancy?


Birth-control methods are becoming popular day by day as technology grows. The decision-making of birth control reflects the women’s right to make decisions on their own. Despite all these, let’s talk about a variety of options available for birth control, including vaginal rings, IUDs, oral contraceptives, and patches.

However, there is one of the new forms of birth control introduced – Nexplanon implant. It is basically a small and flexible rod that is inserted beneath the skin of the upper arm. But the question raised is how effective is Nexplanon at preventing pregnancy? In this blog post, you’ll learn about Nexplanon, its effectiveness, and how it prevents pregnancy.


What is Nexplanon?


nexplanon birth control method

Nexplanon is a tiny and flexible implant that is inserted in the woman’s body from beneath the skin of the upper arm. This form of hormonal birth control comes under progestin-only, which represents the release of synthetic versions of the hormone progesterone. The device is the size of a matchstick.

Further, it is inserted by a healthcare provider during a quick, outpatient procedure. The duration of the implant lasts for up to three years once it is inserted. It provides a long-lasting experience and reduces the stress of taking daily pills, injections, or other forms of contraception.


How Does Nexplanon Prevent Pregnancy?


Nexplanon implant birth control

To prevent pregnancy, Nexplanon releases a synthetic hormone called progesterone version. This hormone impacts differently in preventing pregnancy and its working ways are also distinct. First, it thickens cervical mucus, which as a result, makes it difficult for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

Second, it makes the lining of the uterus thin that in a result becomes less hospitable to fertilize an egg. Ultimately, it can also suppress ovulation in some women in preventing the release of an egg altogether.


How effective is Nexplanon Birth Control at preventing pregnancy?


If Nexplanon birth control is used appropriately and consistently, it is beneficial over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. That is why this is known to be the most effective birth control form. Well, sometimes the effectiveness of the Nexplanon gets affected due to numerous factors. These factors consist of the age and weight of users, their smoking habits, and whether they take proper medication or not. Some medications, like certain antibiotics and antifungal drugs, may reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon.


Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how Nexplanon insertion process works:


  • First of all, your healthcare provider will review your medical history to discuss the potential benefits and risks of implementation with you. The examination includes a physical exam and blood pressure checkup.
  • Once you’re ready for the process, the provider will numb the area where the implant will be inserted with a local anesthetic. This will minimize the feeling of pain during the procedure.
  • In the next step, the provider will make a small incision in the upper arm. They will use a specific service to insert the implant beneath the skin.
  • After the implant is inserted, the insertion area will cover with a small bandage or strips. The provider may also pressurize the particular area to minimize the bleeding.
  • At last, you will be given a prescription or specific instructions on how to care for the insertion area, including, to keep it clean and dry, or when you can resume routine activities.


Note: Nexplanon does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it is better to use condoms or other protection methods.


How is Nexplanon Inserted?


Nexplanon birth control

Nexplanon takes a few minutes to insert. Read the following points to learn about the insertion procedure.

  • A healthcare provider inserted the Nexplanon during a quick and outpatient procedure.
  • The implant process usually takes less than five minutes and to minimize the discomfort, it is done under local anesthesia.
  • In the next step, a small incision in the upper arm will be made by the provider inserting the implant beneath the skin.
  • Once inserted, the implant shall remain for up to three years.
  • Make sure to keep the insertion area clean and dry after insertion to prevent infection.
  • You should also need to avoid heavy lifting or hectic activities for the first few days after the insertion.
  • You will also receive detailed instructions and caring tips from your healthcare provider. They will also let you know what to expect in the weeks and months following insertion.


It is important to seek the assistance of an experienced healthcare provider to insert Nexplanon. Do not attempt it by yourself; otherwise, it can cause danger or increase the risk of complications.


Can You Get Pregnant On Nexplanon?


can you get pregnant on Nexplanon


However, there are some factors that can reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon. It includes certain medications that can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of the hormone in the implant. Additionally, if the implant is not inserted correctly or becomes damaged, it may be less effective at preventing pregnancy.




Undoubtedly, Nexplanon birth control is one of the most effective hormonal birth-control methods, with over 99% assurance. But the entire procedure of insertion should be done under the guidance of an experienced healthcare provider to avoid later consequences. You may reach out to Her Smart Choice, a reputed birth control clinic in Los Angeles with an extensive range of women’s health service providers.

Category: Blog, Nexplanon
post abortion care

Understanding Post Abortion Care: What to Expect

It is always difficult for an individual to make a decision about abortion. As this decision requires strong physical and emotional well-being. There are many ways to have an abortion but all methods require proper care. Especially, when it comes to post-abortion care, it plays an essential role in safe recovery and providing support throughout the entire process. In this blog post, you will explore and learn about what post-abortion care entails and what individuals can expect during this period. 


What To Expect After An Abortion


what to expect after abortion


Immediate Recovery – Whether it’s a medical or surgical procedure, the body requires time to heal after an abortion. If you follow an immediate procedure, you may experience cramping and some bleeding, which is considered normal. The healthcare provider will offer the best guidance to obtain appropriate medication that give you relief from pain and manage any discomfort. 


Emotional Support – The abortion procedure involves distinct emotions at the same time. It is vital to address them with compassion and understanding. Many healthcare providers offer counseling as a part of post-abortion care to help individuals navigate their emotions and feelings. Further, it helps them to cope with any emotional challenges they may face. The sessions provide a secure space to express emotions and discuss concerns, and receive guidance on emotional well-being. 


Physical Recovery – After an abortion, the physical recovery period varies, and it all depend on the type of procedure and individual circumstances. It’s important to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider or doctor regarding post-abortion care. It includes the following:


  • Rest and Recovery – Undoubtedly, rest is vital so that your body heals quite faster. You can avoid strenuous activities, intense exercise, or heavy lifting for a few days. Even your healthcare provider also suggests you take maximum rest.


  • Hygiene and Self-care – You have to maintain good hygiene so that you can avoid infections. Take all the prevention, such as using sanitary pads instead of tampons for some time. It will help in avoiding the introduction of bacteria into the vagina. Also, taking a shower instead of a bath also minimizes the risk of infection. 


  • Medication and Follow-up Appointments – You can obtain antibiotic or pain relief medication from your healthcare provider. It is essential to follow all the instructions related to medication and fulfill them. In addition, you may also get the entire knowledge of follow-up appointments to ensure your recovery progress is monitored. 


Contraception and Family Planning – Post-abortion care includes a detailed discussion about contraception and family planning. It is important to explore contraceptive options and select a method that matches your preferences and needs. Even you can get the assistance of healthcare providers to obtain information and guidance on various methods, including IUDs, oral contraceptives, implants, condoms, and more. 


Post-Abortion Complications – There are very less chances of complications related to post-abortion, yet it is essential to be aware of potential signs of infection or other related issues. In such a situation, you can contact your healthcare provider if you experiencing heavy bleeding, severe pain, foul-smelling discharge, or fever. To avoid serious complications, seeking medical attention on time is more effective. 


What is the role of healthcare clinics in post-abortion?


abortion clinic Los Angeles


Choosing a reputed healthcare clinic near you is always a great idea. The trained professionals in the clinic assist better, they conduct medical evaluations to assess the physical health of an individual after the abortion procedure. The abortion clinic in California, like Her Smart Choice, offers a same-day appointment, a safe and non-judgmental environment for patients to express their feelings, address concerns or conflicts, and receive guidance in coping with post-abortion emotions. 


Not only this, but healthcare clinics provide accurate and reliable information about post-abortion care that is very helpful for individuals. They educate patients about the recovery process and the potential complications that they may face. Further, the experts of the clinic help you by providing you with proper knowledge and tips for a healthy recovery. Clinics may also provide reliable information on contraception methods, reproductive health, and family planning to help patients to make informed decisions about the future and their reproductive choices. 


Even you will get adequate contraceptive counseling and provision on family planning. Doctors or healthcare providers in clinics help you to understand the different methods of post-abortion, their effectiveness, benefits, and potential side effects, and offer adequate follow-up care.  




The above-given passages include all the comprehensive information about post-abortion care. This approach focuses on the emotional and physical well-being of individuals following abortion care services. This information helps you to understand how to face the situation wisely and navigate the recovery process without any stress. By seeking appropriate support, care, and follow-ups, individuals can ensure a safe and healthy recovery after an abortion. 


Remember, experienced healthcare providers of Her Smart Choice guide you throughout the procedure anytime over a call or walk-in appointment.  

Category: Abortion
can you get std without having sex

Concerns & Precautions: Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex

Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex? The answer is Yes you can.

Many of you may not be familiar with the possibility of getting an STD without having sex. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is a disease that is associated with sexual activity, but you can get STDs without having sex.


In the following passages, you’ll learn about the several ways how can you get an STD without having sex. You may also get aware of the misconception related to non-sexual STDs concern and prevention. If you want to keep your sexual health safe then you have to understand these alternative transmission routes. So, let’s dive and learn about non-sexual STD transmission


STDs Without Having Sexual Intercourse

non sexual stds

Mother-To-Child Transmission – One way is mother-to-child transmission through which you can acquire STDs without sexual intercourse. It is the primary way and is also known as vertical transmission. The infection can be passed during pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding, from the mother to her baby. However, STDs like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and herpes can be transmitted in this way that are explained further:


HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus that is popular as HIV, can be transmitted from mother to child. It may happen when an HIV positive mother is  pregnant, giving birth to a child, or breastfeeding. 


Syphilis: Syphilis is caused when a pregnant woman has untreated syphilis bacteria. Otherwise the infection can be transmitted to the fetus. It leads to congenital syphilis that can cause serious health complications for the baby. 


Hepatitis B: The HBV virus can be transmitted from an infected mother to newborn child during child’s birth. This viral infection affects the liver and causes chronic diseases untreated. 


Blood And Needle Exposure – Another significant way is via blood and needle exposure for non-sexual STD Transmission. The already used or shared needles, syringes, or drug paraphernalia can transmit blood-borne infections, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. This infection can be transmitted with the contact of infected blood or other body fluids. 


Skin-to-skin Contact  – Some of the STDs like herpes, can be transmitted through skin contact. It doesn’t require sexual engagement. It consists of close contact during intimate activities, such as kissing or oral sex, the presence of open sores. These activities can facilitate the transmission of these sexually transmitted infections. 

To exemplify, herpes can be caused through the direct transmission from skin contact without engaging in sexual intercourse. The HSV can be transmitted through contact with oral, genital, or anal areas, specially when there are active sores present. 


Environment Exposure – Some STDs can be acquired through environmental exposure. To exemplify, there are public lice (crabs) that can spread with the sharing of contaminated bedding, towels, or clothing. Similarly, trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection that can be contracted through sex toys and damp towels.   


Precautions That You Need To Know

STD precautions

Practice Abstinence – Well, it’s a quite difficult task to practice abstinence but it is the most effective way to prevent STDs. If you choose to abstain from any sexual activity the risk of sexually transmitted infections can be eliminated. Abstinence is a personal choice and should be respected. 


Education & Awareness – It is essential to stay informed about STDs, even if you’re not active sexually. You can get knowledge of different types of infections and the potential risks associated with each. In such a situation, you can seek reliable sources of information, including healthcare websites, providers, and resources to stay updated about sexual health. 


Communicate and Set Boundaries – In any relationship, it is essential to set boundaries and make direct communication, whether it involves sexual activity or not. You can express your expectations and boundaries to your partner regarding physical contact and potential risks. Make sure to have open and clear communication to build trust and understanding. 


Maintain Personal Hygiene – To prevent STD transmission, it is essential to follow and adopt good personal hygiene practices, such as washing your hands with soap regularly, especially before eating. Make sure to keep your body clean and maintain proper genital hygiene. Use mild soaps without any harsh chemicals or scents to clean the genital area. 


Be Cautious in Medical Settings – Make sure to follow proper safety measures to control infections when seeing medical care. You can verify healthcare providers to ensure that they follow all the protocols when using medical instruments, needles, and other equipment.


Blood-borne Infections Information – Make sure to stay informed about blood-borne infections that can be transmitted through sharing needles or with contact with contaminated blood. Before receiving any medical treatment that includes the use of needles or blood products, make sure that healthcare providers use sterile equipment.




The above-given information on the cause of STDs without sexual engagement and their prevention will be helpful for you. It clearly explains that sexually transmitted diseases are not limited to sexual intercourse alone but it’s a widespread disease. You can take prevention only if you’re aware of the several situations that can cause STDs without sexual intercourse. 


Prevention can be possible only if you follow all the above-given precautions and preventive measures positively. Make sure to make the communication clear and be cautious in medical settings and take other precautions to reduce the risk of contracting STDs. Empower yourself with the right and up-to-date knowledge to make informed choices and protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

Vaginal Discharges: Types, Causes, and When to Seek Medical Attention

Women have to face several health concerns that influence them to stay proactive all the time. Vaginal discharges are one of them. It is a normal and natural occurrence in women’s reproductive health, but sometimes it highlights some serious changes. The change in color, odor, and consistency in vaginal discharges becomes a matter of concern.


Further, this common concern is divided into two most widespread causes – bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. The causes of this condition include itching, discomfort, and disruption in vaginal health that can be severe for women’s reproductive health. 


Undoubtedly, these conditions create discomfort, yet it is essential to understand them to get the right treatment on time at your nearest women’s health clinic. This is only possible if you have prior knowledge.


In this blog, you will explore and learn about the advantages of understanding bacterial and yeast infections. Here you will learn about early detection, treatment decisions, and overall vaginal health. This valuable insight allows you to protect yourself against severe conditions and receive a cure timely. 


Bacterial Vaginosis


Do you know that an imbalance in vaginal bacteria is the primary cause of bacterial vaginosis? The change in pH can cause the overgrowth of bacteria inside the vagina that become increasingly dominant. Further, there are some risk factors that included, sexual activity, douching, or the use of any particular hygiene products. 


Symptoms: The common symptoms of BV are thin, fishy, grayish-white discharge with a bad odor that can happen after sex or during menstruation. An individual can also feel vaginal itching and burning during urination. The diagnostic methods are used in women’s healthcare clinics to analyze the infection.


BV symptoms can come back within 3 to 12 months of treatment. But, if you left it untreated, it may increase the risk of similar infections and STIs that can put women’s reproductive life at risk. 


Yeast Infections


The cause of yeast infection is an overgrowth of a fungus known as candida fungus. You can identify its risk factors, such as a weak immune system, hormone changes, and the use of high-sugar diets.


Symptoms:  You can see the symptoms, including burning during sex or urination, pain, soreness or itching, redness or swelling around the vaginal opening, and a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge. 


Yeast infection in a mild stage can go away easily without treatment or with professionals’ guidance. Yet if you’re pregnant and have a vaginal yeast infection, it can be risky. Especially, if you’re giving birth vaginally, you may pass the infection to the baby in oral form.  


Causes & Treatments Of Each Infection


vaginal discharges causes & treatments


In simple terms, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is bacterial in nature, whereas yeast infection is fungal. When the Candida fungus overgrows, it causes yeast infections. On the other hand, when one of the bacteria in your vagina overgrows, it causes BV. It has been noticed that a change in an individual’s vaginal pH may trigger BV. 


Early Detection & Right Treatment


  • If an individual is able to understand the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections then it becomes easy to detect them earlier.
  • Early diagnosis prevents complications and lowers the seriousness of the infection.
  • Recognition of seeking medical attention enables individuals to obtain appropriate treatment before the condition gets worse. 


Informed Treatment Decisions


  • If an individual knows about the cause and characteristics of both vaginal discharge causes, it empowers them to make an informed treatment decision. 
  • Prior awareness of the treatments, counter medication, and natural and prescribed medications helps individuals pick the approach that fits best with their preferences. 
  • Knowledge of treatment options helps in an open and productive discussion with doctors or healthcare professionals. It also leads to effective treatment. 


Prevention and Recurrence Management


  • Detailed knowledge of both abnormal vaginal discharge causes helps in preventing the risk of occurrence. 
  • If an individual has the knowledge of risk factors, including antibiotics, certain hygiene practice, and hormonal changes, help them to make informed choices. 
  • Know the awareness strategies to maintain a healthy vaginal environment, like wearing breathable clothes, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing hygiene. 


Regular Prevention:


To prevent vaginal infections, you can practice safe sex. 


  • Use wipes or paper to wipe the front and back after using the washroom.
  • Wear loose-fitting undergarments. 
  • Immediately change out of wet clothes or bathing suits. 
  • Avoid the use of scented soaps on the sensitive body part.
  • Avoid spending excess time in hot bathtubs. 


Overall Vaginal Health Awareness:


  • Awareness of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis is essential for women to understand vaginal health and its importance for a healthy reproductive life. 
  • If an individual has the proper knowledge, they can maintain their optimal vaginal health by following regular check-ups and self-care practices. 
  • Awareness of vaginal health leads to overall well-being and helps women prioritize self-care and a healthy lifestyle. You will also get to know when you need professional assistance. 


When To See A Healthcare Provider


healthcare provider


Make sure to keep in mind the following tips while making an appointment:

  • If this is the very first time that you’re experiencing the yeast infection’s symptoms.
  • If you’ve experienced it before, but now you’re not aware of it 
  • If you may know that you have BV. 




The understanding and information about women’s health also brings numerous prevention and health benefits if detected earlier. Prior knowledge allows an individual to make informed decisions on time and present from infection. From the above statements, you may be familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of vaginal discharge. 


Moreover, bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are required to remain healthy for the long-term well-being of women and their reproductive health. For more detailed knowledge and efficient reproductive healthcare services, you may reach the reliable and nearest women’s health center.


Category: Women's Health

Everything You Need to Know About IUDs: The Most Effective Form of Contraception

There are a few birth control methods to prevent pregnancy, and the intrauterine device is one of them. Generally, it is popular as IUDs contraception in medical terms. Do you know that its popularity increasing day by day among women?

One reason can be its long-term duration and hassle-free methodology for birth control. Another can be that it is considered the most effective form of contraception. 

IUD is a T-shaped device that is used to prevent pregnancy. The device is made of plastic or copper that is inserted into the uterus by doctors or women’s health specialists.


How does it exactly work?

how IUDs work

The IUDs contraception further divide into two categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal IUDs work by releasing a small amount of progestin hormone. This hormone is exactly similar to the one present in birth control pills. Its work is to thicken the cervical mucus which doesn’t let sperm reach the egg.

On the other hand, non-hormonal IUDs are covered with copper wire. It creates an inflammatory reaction in the uterus which prevent fertilization with its toxic behavior toward sperm.

The procedure of these IUD types is done under professional care. The healthcare providers insert IUD into the uterus and leave it in the same place for up to 3-12 years, based on the type of IUD.


Need To Know: IUD devices are reversible. Any woman who wants to become pregnant can get it removed anytime.


Benefits of IUDs

Extremely Effective Device– IUDs have a very lower failure rate of less than 1%. Even it is considered as the most effective form of contraception.

Long-Lasting Results – Well, it is based on the type of IUD you are using, but it can provide up to 3-12 years without any maintenance.

No Daily Routine – IUDs don’t need any on-demand or daily usage as birth control pills or condoms are. So, it isn’t required to follow a daily routine. 

Secure – IUDs contraception are known to be the safest device with very few side effects. Even it is the best option for those women who don’t prefer hormone birth control methods because of their health issues.

Easily reversible – IUD can be removed if a woman wants to become pregnant again or no longer wants to use this device.


Who shouldn’t allow using an IUD?


The use of IUDs contraception is common and effective, but there are certain situations in which women are suggested to not use an IUD. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • If you’re pregnant, you may avoid the use of an IUD.
  • If you already have an active sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  • If you’re at potential risk for contracting an STI.
  • If you have unexplained and over-vaginal bleeding.

Besides, you are suggested to not use copper IUDs if you have an allergy or any genetic disease related to copper.


What happens before an IUD is inserted?

IUD insertion

First of all, your healthcare provider will enquire about your health and lifestyle to ensure you’re ready for IUD  insertion. There will be two tests happens, including pregnancy tests or STIs beforehand to ensure your health updates.

You can talk to your health provider about the volume of the pain and its management before the procedure. Some women tolerate the pain while IUD insertion without any problem. Others avoid it only because they feared from the thought of its experience.

In such a situation, it is good if you take the advice of your healthcare provider. They can recommend you the best pain medication beforehand to lower the pain. Also, you may not feel discomfort after insertion. Well, the providers may numb the area of insertion before the procedure to keep you comfortable. However, it is essential to communicate openly with your provider to avoid anxiety and lessen the fear of getting an IUD treatment.


How to get an IUD insertion?

IUDs insertion

It is a good decision if you’re interested in an IUD insertion. For that, you may talk to the healthcare providers by visiting the nearest birth control clinic. They can detect and help you to decide which IUD can be suited best to you as per your medical history, lifestyle, and preferences.

In addition, the IUD insertion process usually takes 10 minutes or less. The process can be done in the healthcare provider’s office. The provider inserts the IUD through the cervix or into your uterus. It may discomfort you for a few minutes during the procedure but then all will be okay. After insertion, you can follow your normal activities and routine.



To conclude the above information related to IUDs contraception, including its procedure and benefits, may guide you well with the procedure. This device is safe, effective, and long-lasting to prevent pregnancy in the long term or for birth control. Its benefits always outweigh its demerits if you go through proper healthcare consultancy. If you’re interested in IUD insertion, make sure to talk to your nearest women’s health clinic. Her Smart Choice is always here to listen to your queries and provide the right guidance.

The Importance of Comprehensive Sexual Education for Promoting Healthy Choices

Nowadays, comprehensive sex education (CSE) seems to be a crucial part of both male and female lives and their sexual and reproductive healthcare. Furthermore, it promotes a good understanding of making healthy choices in sexual activities. The leading women’s health clinic, Her Smart Choice, also supports the promotion of healthy choices and comprehensive sexual education.

This approach aims to provide you with an accurate education on sexual health, whether it is age-appropriate or cultural information. CSE also covers a wide range of terms, such as puberty, anatomy and physiology, relationships, sexual orientation, and STI prevention and treatment.


Reasons Why Comprehensive Sexual Education Is Essential

importance of comprehensive sexual health

There are some reasons that depict the importance of comprehensive sexual education to promote healthy choices. To know the details, read the following passages:

Promotes informed decision-making: The education services related to comprehensive sexuality help young people and adults know everything about their bodies and sexuality. Also, it allows them to make informed decisions related to their sexual behavior. It includes when they have to start sex, the kind of contraception they can use, and protection tips from STIs.

Reduce the risk of sexual behavior: It has been seen in many studies that comprehensive sexual education can reduce the beginning risk factors related to sexual behavior. It includes a lack of knowledge about early sexual debut, protected sex, and multiple sexual partners. This approach can help the youth make healthy choices and prevent them from developing STIs, unintended pregnancies, and HIV/AIDS.

Promotes good and healthy relationships: Further, this approach can be related to promoting healthy relationships among young people of both genders. It can also improve their communication skills. Later, this information can assist young people in building positive and strong relationships based on mutual trust, respect, and consent.

Addresses gender and sexual diversity: This education helps in recognizing gender identities and sexual orientation. It further helps reduce discrimination and stigma. On the other hand, it also promotes acceptance among all individuals, regardless of their sexual or gender identity.

Benefits of Comprehensive Sex Education for Adolescents and Young People

sex education benefits

It has been seen that young people who are equipped with comprehensive sex education studies or programs in school demonstrate healthy sexual behavior, such as:

  • Increased use of condoms and contraception.
  • Lower rate of unplanned pregnancies.
  • Fewer cases of STIs and HIV

Impact on social-emotional health

  • A clear understanding of reproductive rights and responsibilities.
  • Understanding gender and sexuality
  • A lower percentage of sexual assault, dating violence, and child sexual abuse.
  • Stronger communication skills and relationships
  • Knowledge of STD testing to detect infection and avoid risks.
  • Reduce homophobia and related bullying.

Generally, this approach is based on a curriculum that not only limits risk reduction but also ensures that youth are supported at every step. Whether it is about their identity and sexuality or making decisions for the future, relationships, or behavior, CSE supports all these critical benefits.

Impacts of a lack of access to CSE

If youth are not allowed to gain comprehensive sex education, then they may get away from the information and skills needed for healthy sexual development. The impacts of the lack of CSE include:

  • Lack of knowledge about using condoms increases the risk of STIs, such as HIV.
  • Lack of knowledge enhances the stigma of gender and sexual identity.
  • Avoiding the use of contraception may lead to unplanned pregnancy risk.
  • Have to face challenges in interpersonal communications.
  • Higher chances of young people turning to unreliable sources to obtain sex information.
  • Increase the chances of intimate partner and dating violence.
  • Unsafe school environments.
  • Decrease valid media literacy.
  • Lower chances of social-emotional learning.

In addition, the lack of access to comprehensive sex education can cause health disparities and imbalances, with inappropriate impacts on particular populations of youth.

Specifically, youth who identify as women, face color discrimination, have disabilities, or are LGBTQ2S are discriminated against or impacted while accessing comprehensive sex education. Otherwise, the lack of knowledge can impact their safety, health, and self-identity.

Common Elements in Comprehensive Sex Education Programs

elements of sex education programs

There are several elements that are common in sex education programs and are essential:

  • It is essential to use a medically accurate and evidence-based curriculum that can also include disabled young people.
  • The information, strategies, methods, teaching, and materials must be appropriate and developed.

Must have knowledge of the following topics:

  • Human development: It consists of body image, puberty, gender identity, anatomy, and sexual orientation.
  • Personal Skills: It include values, assertiveness, negotiation, decision-making, communication, and help-seeking.
  • Society and Culture: It includes gender roles, the intersection of sexuality, diversity and religion, law, arts, and media.
  • Relationships: These consist of families, dating, peers, marriage, and raising children activities.
  • Sexual behavior: It includes masturbation, pleasure from sex, and shared behavior across a lifetime.


  • Sexual Health. It includes contraception, prenatal care, abortion, HIV, sexual abuse, and violence.


In this article, you will clearly understand the requirement of comprehensive sex education for aware youth. It helps them to prepare for every situation and to follow the right methods while entering into sensual relations. You may get to know the reasons that have a great effect on the attainment of sexual education. Still, if you are a woman and want to get more details, reach out to HSC’s Gynecological Services in California.

How does menopause impact women’s quality of life?

Menopause is considered a major health milestone in women’s menstrual cycles. It represents a tough phase of life that occurs probably between the age of 45 to 55 years. Besides, there also is a chance of premature and early menopause as a result of aging.

Additionally, menopause transition (MT) is far beyond reproduction for women. The other symptoms also accompany menopause, such as biological, behavioral, psychological, and social changes that shape women’s midlife and future health.

In this article, you will get to know about the impacts of menopause on women’s health and how to do menopause care after knowing the symptoms. 


How does menopause occur?

The end of the monthly menstrual period, which is also known as Menopause, actually occurs due to the loss of ovarian follicular function. In this condition, the ovaries of women (above 40) do not release eggs for fertilization.



Further, the menstruation cycle explains a woman’s reproductive life span and can vary in terms of regularity and length of period. But the natural consecutive occurs in the middle of 45 to 55 years.

After analyzing 12 consecutive months without menstruation there is no other cause detected, such as physiological or pathological, in research. Yet, there can be other reasons for premature menopause, such as certain demographic, genetic factors, and surgical procedures.


Signs & Symptoms of Menopause

Generally, menopause symptoms are unique in every woman, but if it happens suddenly then it is severe in intensity.

Some of the early menopause signs are less frequent menses, heavier or lighter menses, and vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, flushing, and night sweats.

Despite this, there are some other common symptoms, including, sleep problems – insomnia, anxiety, depression, dryness in the vagina, skin, eyes, and mouth, loss of hair, muscle aches, headaches, memory problem, increased urination, decreased muscle mass, stiffness, slow metabolism, reduced breast fullness and many more as per the woman’s body structure.


Impacts of Menopause on Women’s Health

Menopause has marked the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It means that she can not become pregnant except by using fertility treatment. It leaves with very little estrogen in women’s ovaries, which raises the risk of certain health problems. Other health problems include heart disease, stroke etcetera. 

Six Common Health Problems a Woman Suffers After Menopause

health issues after menopause

Here, you’ll read a brief description of some common health problems after menopause:

Heart disease

Low levels of estrogen increase the risk of heart disease in women when they cross the age of 55. It happens because estrogen helps your body to maintain a healthy balance by keeping the blood vessels open and relaxed. Otherwise, cholesterol can become a threat to the human heart.


Even the risk of strokes for women increased twice in every decade after the age of 55. The lower level of estrogen builds up cholesterol on artery walls which leads to the brain.


Osteoporosis condition weakens your bones, which results in easy breakage of bones. Even lower estrogen after menopause can cause the quick loss of bone mass.

Lead Poisoning

After menopause bones are broken down quickly and dissolved into the blood. In older women, this condition raises the risk of blood pressure and can damage your kidney also. Not only this, it may put an adverse effect on the memory and ability to think.

Urinary incontinence

Most postmenopausal women have seen holding trouble in their urine. It might be due to weakness in their Urethra because of lower estrogen.

Oral issues 

Even the oral issues have been detected, dry mouth and the risk of cavities are common in postmenopausal.


How to treat or manage menopause

To save your quality of life from getting affected by menopause, you may require the proper treatment or do menopause care. After knowing the symptoms, mentioned above, you may get an idea about the level of menopause you’re facing.

However, hormone therapy considers an effective form of treatment for females below the age of 60. Also, a woman can get this treatment within ten years of the onset of menopause at a women’s health clinic easily. It helps you in reducing the symptoms, such as night sweats, hot flashes, flushing, osteoporosis, and vaginal atrophy.


Home remedies for Menopause Symptoms

home remedies for menopause

You can use these alternative treatments to reduce signs and symptoms without the help of therapists. You just require easy remedies and bring some changes to your lifestyle.

  • Pick up a loose and layered dress to manage hot flashes. Also, make sure to keep the room temperature cool to avoid night sweating.
  • Manage your weight by consuming low calories daily. You can also go for everyday exercise sessions for 25-30 minutes in the comfort of your place. 
  • Choose the right menopause diet, including a wide variety of vegetables, grains, and fruits that are rich in nutrients.
  • To avoid anxiety issues and for relaxation, you can do meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga every day.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol to manage your lifestyle in a proper way.
  • You can use natural supplements to get relief from menopause signs and symptoms.

Highlights: In The End

To highlight the menopause factor in the lifecycle of women, this article consists of all the essential information. The above-given information helps you to understand the adverse impacts of menopause and how to bring it to moderate from mild. Being a woman, it is necessary for you to care for your body and nourish it with the proper nutrients. Not only this but bring changes to your lifestyle with daily exercise and natural supplements to avoid any mishappening and life threats.

Her Smart Choice understands your problems and can use its effective tips and treatments to help you survive easily in the postmenopausal period. The on time medication provides ten times better relief than delay, so chat with us and get satisfactory replies to your queries.

birth control and iud

Birth Control & IUDs – All You Need To Know

When it comes to birth control, there are many options available to women. One of these is the intrauterine device (IUD), a type of long-acting, reversible contraception that has been around for decades.


In this blog, we will take a closer look at the IUD, exploring its benefits and risks, as well as how it works and how to get one. 


So, read on to learn more about the IUD and why it may be the right contraceptive option for you.



What Is an IUD?

what is an IUD

An IUD, or Intrauterine Device, is a small, T-shaped device placed in a woman’s uterus by a women’s health clinic to prevent pregnancy. It is a long-term, reversible form of birth control that is both safe and effective. 


While an IUD may be used by any sexually active woman, it is especially beneficial to those who desire long-term contraception, as well as those who may not remember to take a daily pill. 


This device can be inserted shortly after childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion. The best part is it can be removed at any time, allowing the woman to become pregnant soon after.



How Effective Are IUDs As A Form Of Birth Control?


IUDs are a highly effective form of birth control. It has been predicted that they are over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. They are also safe and long-lasting, making them a great choice for many women. 


IUDs are reversible, so if a woman decides she wants to become pregnant, she can simply have the IUD removed. This method has been chosen as an effective and convenient form of birth control by many women across the nation.



What Are the Benefits of IUDs?


IUDs (Intrauterine Devices) are a safe and effective contraceptive method that offer numerous benefits.


  • They are an easy-to-use
  • Long-term method of birth control that does not require daily attention. 
  • IUDs offer women more control over their reproductive health, as well as protection from certain sexually transmitted infections. 
  • IUDs are cost-effective and have fewer side effects than other forms of birth control. 
  • IUDs are a great option for those looking for a safe, long-term, and cost-effective method of birth control.


Who Can Use Them?


IUDs are suitable in any scenario.


  • Those who are looking for a reliable and low-maintenance contraceptive option.


  • Those who may not want to use other forms of contraception, such as those who are breastfeeding or in their postpartum period. 


  • Those who are not sexually active, as well as those who are in monogamous relationships. 


  • This treatment option is indeed an effective and convenient form of contraception, and thus, is suitable for a wide range of individuals.


How Is an IUD Inserted?

How IUD is inserted

The insertion process is typically quick and fairly straightforward, and can be done in a doctor’s office. 


Typically, the patient will lie on an exam table and the doctor will insert a speculum into the vagina, allowing them to see the cervix. They will then insert a thin, plastic IUD into the uterus and remove the insertion device. 


The patient may experience some cramping and a sensation of pressure, but it should not be overly uncomfortable. After the IUD has been inserted, the doctor will check to ensure it is in the correct position and provide instructions on how to check it themselves. 


The IUD is highly effective and, when inserted correctly, can provide protection for up to ten years.


How Long Does IUD Insertion Take?


Insertion of an IUD typically takes about 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, the doctor will check for any contraindications and check the size of the uterus. The insertion itself is done quickly and painlessly, as the doctor may use a local anesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable. 


After insertion, the doctor will check the position of the IUD to make sure it is in the correct spot. Furthermore, the doctor may also provide instructions on how to care for the IUD and answer any questions the patient may have. 


All in all, IUD insertion is a relatively quick and easy procedure.


Is IUD Insertion Painful?


Insertion of an IUD can be a painless procedure if done correctly. However, it can be a painful experience if not done properly. The pain typically occurs when the IUD is inserted, but it can also feel uncomfortable when the strings are trimmed. 


Additionally, some people may experience cramping, dizziness, or nausea during and after the procedure. Fortunately, many healthcare providers offer various methods to reduce or manage pain, such as using a local anesthetic or a topical anesthetic. 


While IUD insertion can be a painful experience for some, it can also be a relatively quick and straightforward procedure if done correctly.


What Can I Expect After My IUD Insertion?


Here are few of the symptoms that you may experience after IUD Insertion


  • Cramping and discomfort
  • Spotting as your body adjusts to the device. 


There are a few other short-term and long-term side effects you may experience. Most of these side effects are mild and temporary, though some may last longer. 


It’s important to keep your follow up appointment with your nearby birth control clinic, as they can help you manage any symptoms that may arise. With proper care and attention, your IUD will help you enjoy long-term protection against pregnancy.


Final Verdict


In summary, the IUD is a safe, effective, and convenient form of contraception that can provide you with long-term protection against unplanned pregnancies. 


If you are considering the IUD, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider to determine if it is the right option for you. 


With proper use and care, an IUD can provide you with reliable contraception for up to five to ten years.


less painful abortion procedure

Which Abortion Procedure Is Less Painful?


Abortion is a difficult and sensitive topic for many women. If you are considering having an abortion, you may be wondering which abortion procedure is less painful.


Here is a look at the two most common types of abortions: surgical and medical.


The different types of abortion procedures available


Abortion procedures are an important resource for women seeking to end unwanted pregnancies. From surgical abortions to as-needed medications, there is a wide range of options available that allow people in need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Surgical abortion typically involves the removal of the pregnancy through suction or dilation and curettage. If it is an early-stage pregnancy, one can opt for the medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”), which uses two medications administered separately over two days to terminate the pregnancy.


For late-stage abortions, some doctors or centers for women’s health may recommend dilation and evacuation, where a combination of dilators and forceps are used to remove fetal material before vacuuming out any remaining tissue from the uterus.


No matter what procedure you choose, it’s important to consult with a doctor who can provide you with unbiased information about which abortion procedure is less painful, so you can make an informed decision about your own reproductive health.


The pain levels associated with each type of procedure


Depending on the type of procedure being done, one can expect a different level of pain, ranging from mild to severe. For example, minor surgeries such as injections or the removal of moles generally have minimal to no pain, while major surgeries like an open bypass may be very painful during and after.


While general anesthesia is usually given during major operations to reduce the amount of discomfort experienced by the patient, it is impossible to avoid all pain associated with medical procedures completely.


Pain tolerance varies drastically between individuals, so it is important to remember that someone else’s experience with a particular operation may not match what you will encounter. Even if the pain associated with a procedure is expectedly low, it is always best to speak with your doctor about any potential concerns before undergoing the procedure.


How to choose the best option for you based on your personal preferences



When faced with a variety of options, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. To make the decision-making process easier, take some time to consider what your personal preferences are.


Think about what type of product or service would satisfy your needs and goals. While there may be many appealing choices, focus on the ones that fit your budget and lifestyle.


Once you have narrowed down the list based on these criteria, use research and reviews to further evaluate each option.


Always trust your instincts and choose the option that feels right for you in order to achieve the best possible outcome that meets your expectations.


The pros and cons of each type of abortion procedure


Every medical procedure has its pros and cons, and it’s important to weigh these carefully when making a decision about a course of treatment.


It is possible to research the different types of procedures available to evaluate the risks and expected outcomes so that individuals can make informed decisions that are best suited to their unique circumstances. Some procedures may be far less invasive but less likely to produce desired results, while others may be more aggressive but typically guarantee better outcomes.


With enough research and information, individuals can decide which type of procedure will give them the best quality of care and offer the most effective treatment. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, however; every individual must consider all available options before making an informed choice.


What to expect after the abortion procedure is complete



After the procedure is complete, there are a few key things to expect. First and foremost, healing must be monitored. For recovery to be successful, all instructions from medical personnel regarding rest, self-care, and follow-up appointments must be strictly followed.


Secondly, possible side effects should be taken into account and monitored closely. These can vary based on the different kinds of procedures but tend to include discomfort, soreness, and sometimes drains or stitches. Last but not least, experiencing results may take anywhere from several days to a few weeks depending on the type of procedure, so patience is key in order to get positive outcomes!


While there are many different types of abortion procedures available, it is important to consider your personal preferences and the pain levels associated with each type before making a decision. Each type of procedure has its own set of pros and cons, so be sure to weigh all of your options carefully before coming to a final decision. After the procedure, you can expect to experience some side effects, such as bleeding and cramping. However, these side effects should abate within a few days. If you have any concerns or questions about what to expect after your abortion, be sure to speak with your doctor.


To get more information about abortion or to find out which abortion procedure is less painful, you can contact Her Smart Choice, a reputed women’s health clinic in California.



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