need for legal abortion

Why Abortion Should Stay Legal and Regulated: California’s Approach

Abortion is a topic that always sparks strong emotions and debates among everyone. In California, like in many states, there are laws in place that determine when and how abortions can happen. These laws are designed to ensure that women can make choices about their bodies while also maintaining safety and fairness. Let’s delve into the reasons why abortion should remain legal and regulated according to California’s abortion laws.


Reasons why abortion should remain legal and regulated according to California’s laws


abortion clinic California


  • Protecting Women’s Health

One of the main reasons for legal abortion is to safeguard the health of women. When abortion is conducted under safe and regulated conditions, it reduces the potential risks associated with unsafe procedures. Legal limitations guarantee that qualified doctors are involved, which is crucial for a woman’s well-being. 


  • Preventing Unsafe Abortions

Before abortion became legal, some women had to resort to unsafe methods, which could be extremely dangerous. Legal abortion helps prevent these risky practices, ultimately keeping women safe and healthy.


  • Upholding Reproductive Freedom

Every woman deserves the right to make choices concerning her own body. Legal abortion respects this fundamental right, empowering women to choose what is best for their unique circumstances.


  • Balancing Rights and Regulations

While it’s crucial to protect women’s rights, California’s laws also impose certain limitations, such as a specific timeframe for abortion. These limits aim to strike a balance between individual choice and the public interest.


  • Ensuring Informed Decisions

California’s laws require counseling and informed consent, ensuring that women have access to accurate information before making their decisions. This guarantees that women are making choices based on facts rather than fear or misinformation.


  • Reducing Stigma and Shame

Legal abortion helps reduce the stigma and shame that can be associated with the procedure. When abortion is part of regulated healthcare, it becomes a medical decision rather than a moral or criminal one.


  • Providing Safe Options for Pregnancy Complications

Sometimes, pregnancies can develop serious complications that endanger a woman’s life or health. Legal abortion ensures that women facing these critical situations have access to safe medical procedures.


  • Supporting Victims of Sexual Assault

In cases of sexual assault or incest, abortion provides victims with the option to terminate a pregnancy resulting from a traumatic experience, giving them some control over their lives.


  • Navigating Complex Ethical and Moral Issues:

Abortion is a complex ethical and moral issue, and California’s laws aim to navigate this complexity thoughtfully. They acknowledge that different people have different beliefs and values and strive to find a middle ground that respects everyone’s perspectives.


How can you empower legal women’s abortion rights?


abortion services


Empowering women’s legal abortion rights involves several key strategies and actions:


Support Legislation: Advocate for, vote in favor of, and support legislation at the local, state, and federal levels that protects and expands women’s reproductive rights. This includes laws that safeguard access to safe and legal abortion services.


Elect right Representatives: Elect officials who prioritize women’s reproductive rights and will work to maintain and strengthen legal protections for abortion access.


Educate and Mobilize: Educate the public about the importance of women’s reproductive rights and mobilize supporters to take action through grassroots organizing, campaigns, and rallies.


Challenge Restrictive Laws: Challenge any laws or regulations that unduly restrict access to abortion services through legal action and advocacy.


Support Organizations: Donate to and volunteer with organizations that provide reproductive health services, legal aid, and advocacy for women’s abortion rights.


Promote Comprehensive Sex Education: Advocate for comprehensive, evidence-based sex education in schools to reduce unintended pregnancies and support informed reproductive choices.


Fight Stigma: Combat the stigma surrounding abortion by sharing personal stories and experiences, humanizing the issue, and fostering empathy and understanding.

Final Statement


In California, maintaining legal abortion with limitations is a multifaceted approach that prioritizes the health and rights of women while addressing the complex ethical, moral, and social aspects of the issue. It’s about ensuring that every woman has the freedom to make choices about her body while upholding safety and fairness.


Abortion will continue to be a subject of debate, but California’s laws aim to navigate it wisely, providing a framework that respects diverse viewpoints and prioritizes women’s well-being and autonomy. For more information, stay tuned with us.

pro life and pro choice

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Perspectives on Abortion

You’ve probably heard these two terms a lot in your life. One side is all about women’s rights, and the other is linked to saving babies. But it’s not that simple. Both the pro-life and pro-choice sides have more to them than meets the eye. Unfortunately, our culture often oversimplifies these terms, leading one group to misunderstand the other.


In this article, we want to explain what pro-life and pro-choice really mean. We’ll provide clear definitions and examples so you can confidently talk about your views on pro-life topics.


What is Pro-choice?



Pro-choice means people can decide whether or not to have a baby. It’s about giving them the choice. If someone is pro-choice, they believe that everyone has the right to make this decision for themselves. 


Pro-choice is all about supporting people’s freedom to make this important choice about having children. It’s about respecting their right to decide what’s best for their own lives and circumstances.


Why Some People Are Pro-Choice:


Women’s Autonomy: Pro-choice supporters emphasize a woman’s right to decide what happens to her body, especially in cases of unwanted pregnancies, medical complications, or instances of sexual assault.


Health and Safety: They believe that access to safe and legal abortion is crucial to protecting women’s health and preventing them from seeking dangerous, illegal alternatives.


Personal Circumstances: Pro-choice acknowledges that every pregnancy is unique, and decisions about whether to continue it should be made based on individual circumstances.


Reducing Unwanted Children: Some argue that allowing abortion can reduce the number of unwanted children who may end up in challenging circumstances.


What is Pro-Life?



Pro-life means believing that all unborn babies should have a chance to live and not be ended by abortion. People who are pro-life think it’s really important to protect these babies. They believe that life begins at conception, when a baby starts growing inside its mother. 


Pro-life folks often say, “Every life is precious,” and they work to make sure that pregnant women have other options and support so they don’t feel like they have to have an abortion. So, being pro-life means caring a lot about the rights and lives of these unborn babies and wanting to give them a chance to be born.


Why Some People are Pro-Life:


Religious Beliefs: Many pro-life individuals base their stance on their religious beliefs. They see abortion as a violation of the sanctity of life as taught in their faith.


Right to Life: Pro-life advocates argue that every human, regardless of their stage of development, deserves the right to life and protection under the law.


Alternative Options: They believe that there are alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, which can provide unwanted children with loving homes.


Potential for Life: Pro-life supporters see the potential for a unique individual with their own future in every fertilized egg.

Misconceptions about Pro-Choice Supporters


pro choice supporters misconceptions


Pro-Choice Means Pro-Abortion: One common misconception is that pro-choice supporters promote abortion as the preferred option for all pregnancies. In reality, pro-choice supports a woman’s right to choose, not necessarily advocating for abortion in all situations. 


Pro-Choice Ignores Moral Values: Some assume that pro-choice individuals lack moral or ethical values. However, many pro-choice advocates base their beliefs on principles of autonomy, personal freedom, and compassion for women facing challenging circumstances. 


Pro-Choice Disregards Fetal Rights: Critics often argue that pro-choice supporters prioritize a woman’s rights over the rights of the fetus. Pro-choice individuals may have varying opinions on when fetal rights should be recognized, and it’s not necessarily a complete disregard for those rights. 


Pro-Choice Equals Unrestricted Access: Not all pro-choice supporters advocate for unrestricted access to abortion. Many acknowledge the need for regulations, especially in late-term abortions, while still supporting a woman’s right to choose in early pregnancy.


Misconceptions about Pro-Life Advocates


pro life supporters misconceptions


Pro-Life is Anti-Woman: Some assume that pro-life advocates are inherently anti-woman. In reality, pro-life supporters believe in protecting both the unborn child and the mother’s well-being, often emphasizing support and alternatives to abortion.


Pro-Life Ignores Violence Cases: Critics may assume that pro-life supporters are inflexible when it comes to violence cases related to women. However, there are pro-lifers who support exceptions in such cases, recognizing the extreme emotional and physical trauma involved. 


Pro-Life Doesn’t Care About Women’s Health:  This misconception suggests that pro-life advocates prioritize the fetus at the expense of the woman’s health. In reality, pro-life supporters often work to ensure that women have access to safe and comprehensive healthcare, including prenatal care. 


Conclusion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?


The pro-life and pro-choice sides of abortion represent deeply held beliefs about the value of life and personal autonomy. Both sides have valid arguments, and it’s essential to approach this topic with empathy and understanding. 


Engaging in respectful dialogue can lead to greater understanding and, ideally, solutions that prioritize the well-being of both women and unborn children. While this blog provides a simplified overview, remember that real-life situations can be much more complex, and people’s views may evolve based on their personal experiences and circumstances.

hCG Stay In Your System After Abortion

How Long Does hCG Stay In Your System After Abortion?


Have you recently gone through an abortion, and now you’re wondering about a thing called hCG and how long it sticks around in your body afterward? 


Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this quick read, we’re going to dive into the subject of how long hCG hangs around after an abortion.


First of all, hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that your body produces during pregnancy. It’s kind of a big deal because it helps support the early stages of fetal development. But once you’ve had an abortion, whether it was a medical one with pills or a surgical procedure, your body goes through some changes as it gets back to its non-pregnant state.


Now, you might be curious about how long hCG remains in your system after an abortion. Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer, my friend. The duration can vary from person to person, and it depends on factors like the type of abortion you had, how far along you were in the pregnancy, and your own body chemistry.


In further elaboration, let’s explore the timeline for hCG elimination from your body after an abortion and the valid reasons. But hey, remember that everyone’s experience is different, so it’s always a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Feasible Reasons For A Positive Pregnancy Test After An Abortion


 hCG Stay In Your System After Abortion


The length of time that hCG stays in your body after an abortion can vary depending on a few factors, including how far along you were in your pregnancy and the type of abortion you had. Generally, hCG levels will start to decrease after an abortion, but it can take several days or even weeks for the hormone to be completely eliminated from your body. 


To elaborate, following an abortion, the pregnancy hormone hCG typically decreases by 50% within 24 hours. However, small amounts of hCG may still remain in the body, which could result in false positive readings on pregnancy tests if taken shortly after the procedure.


Considering that hCG can remain detectable in the body for 4 to 6 weeks, positive pregnancy test results may continue to appear for several weeks after an abortion.


If you had a medication abortion, which involves taking pills to end the pregnancy, hCG levels may take longer to decrease than if you had a surgical abortion. This is because medication abortion takes a long time to complete, and the hormone levels may take longer to return to normal. It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider after a medication abortion to ensure that the procedure was successful and that hCG levels are decreasing as expected.


After having a surgical abortion, where they remove the pregnancy tissue from your uterus, the hCG levels (pregnancy hormone) might go down faster. Nevertheless, it’s good to seek the help of your healthcare provider, later on, to confirm the procedure was successful and to check for any complications.


How long after abortion do symptoms of pregnancy go away?


abortion services


After an abortion, many women experience symptoms that are similar to those of early pregnancy, such as nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness. So, how long after abortion do symptoms of pregnancy go away? Well, these symptoms can be caused by the hormonal changes that occur after an abortion, as well as by the physical process of the abortion itself. 


The length of time that these symptoms persist can vary depending on the individual and the type of abortion they had. Generally, symptoms will improve within a few days to a week after the abortion. However, it is not uncommon for some symptoms, such as fatigue, to hold on for several weeks.


It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider after an abortion to ensure that there are no complications and to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your recovery.


When is the earliest I can take a pregnancy test after an abortion?


abortion clinic


After an abortion, the earliest you can take a pregnancy test depends on the type of abortion and your hCG hormone levels. For a medication abortion, it’s best to wait 7 to 10 days before testing. Surgical abortion may require 10 to 14 days for accurate results. 


Taking the test too soon might give a false positive due to the remaining hCG in your body. It’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s advice on when to take the test. Waiting for the right time ensures more reliable results and eases any uncertainties you may have about your pregnancy status. 


Final Thought


After an abortion, it is normal to have questions about how long it will take for your body to return to its pre-pregnancy state. 


While the length of time that hCG stays in your system can vary depending on the type of abortion you had, it is generally several days to weeks. It is important to follow up with your healthcare provider after an abortion to ensure that the procedure was successful and to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your recovery.


In Los Angeles, there are many options for women’s health clinics and abortion clinics. When choosing a clinic, it is essential to consider your individual needs and preferences, as well as factors such as cost, location, and the qualifications and experience of the healthcare providers. Whether you choose to go to a specialized abortion clinic or a women’s health clinic that offers a broader range of services, it is essential to prioritize your health and well-being during this time. Reach out to Her Smart Choice to get answers to your queries.

Category: Abortion
Tubal Ligation birth control

Tubal Ligation: What You Need to Know Before Making a Decision


Do you find yourself struggling to choose the right birth control method? In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at Tubal Ligation, a permanent solution. May it be a good fit for you?


There are some temporary and permanent birth control methods available in the healthcare center for women. 


Do not stress your brain, today in this blog, you’re going to read about Tubal Ligation, a permanent solution, and who needs to get their tubes tied. Generally, Tubal Ligation is another type of birth control method that is effective for female sterilization and there are some factors that one needs to consider before getting tubes tied


What is Tubal Ligation?


what is tubal ligation


Tubal Ligation is a surgical procedure, also known as ‘tubes tied’, which involves blocking or sealing off the fallopian tubes. Further, it helps in preventing sperm and eggs, this way it succeeds in achieving permanent female sterilization. 


This procedure considers a highly rated and effective form of contraception. Even it has a highly effective success rate as per the research study of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). In the following passage, you’ll get to know about the various factors that women should consider before undergoing this process, such as age, family planning goals, and medical history. 


Factors to Consider Before Tubal Ligation


type of birth control


Complete Family – If you or women near you, have completed their families and do not want to expand may consider their tubes tied. Tubal Ligation is a permanent form of contraception for women who don’t want any children. There are very few chances for women to get pregnant after undergoing the entire process. So, if you’re prepared for not having more children, then getting tubes tied is the right solution for you.


Medical Conditions that Make Pregnancy Unsafe: If women have some medical conditions, including severe heart disease, kidney disease, or certain cancer types, they may consider the tube-tied form of contraception. Otherwise, in such situations, the family endangers the mother’s life. 


Family History of Hereditary Diseases: In such conditions, women who are dealing with a family history of genetic disorders, may get their tubes tied. They consider this to prevent the transmission of diseases to offspring. This way they ensure that no problem related to their genes will be passed on further to their children. 


Age Factor  – Age is also considered a vital factor for getting a test tube tied. Mostly, women of 35 plus age group may be advised to get their tubes tied.  They have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy. 


Partner’s Decision: The ultimate decision, whether getting the tubes tied or not, is of women. It is good if you give importance to considering the partner’s opinions. If the partner does not want more children, getting birth-control tubes is the right option. 


Future Family Planning Goals: If you are unsure about your family planning goals or who may want to have children in the future should consider other forms of contraception. Tubes Tied are the permanent method of birth control with a highly successful rate. But, if you want temporary control over pregnancy, then you should go for other methods, such as IUDs, birth control pills, or condoms. 


Personal Beliefs & Values: Some women also follow this birth control method only for personal beliefs and values. They want to reduce the impact of the excess birth rate by not having more children. So, they get the tubes tied to stop further pregnancies. 


Recovery After Tubal Ligation


recovery after tubal ligation


The procedure of tubal ligation is surgical and it requires the followings instruction for recovery:


  • After tubal ligation, recovery is straightforward and most women can return to their normal routine within a few days. 
  • It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully for a better and smooth recovery. 
  • Must remember to follow common post-operative instructions, including avoiding heavy lifting or exercise for a few days. 
  • It is also essential to avoid sexual activities for a few days until the doctor allows you again. 
  • Pain medication also is there but may be prescribed to manage any discomfort. 
  • Some patients may also experience spotting or mild cramping after the procedure, which is normal, no need to be scared in such a situation. 
  • It is essential to keep the particular area clean and dry to prevent infection. 
  • Contact your doctor or your nearby Women’s Health Clinic if you experience severe pain, fever, or heavy bleeding after the procedure. 




From the above passages, you may get a clear view of tubal ligation and its effective nature as a contraception method. There are numerous factors that women need to consider before getting tubes tied. It includes personal beliefs, medical conditions, family planning, age factor, partner decision, and others that impact women’s decision for choosing this permanent birth control method. The procedure of tubal ligation is safe and effective and most successful in results. But, still, it is advised to discuss with the doctor to make an informed decision as per your health history and present report. Contact Her Smart Choice for expert advice on tubal ligation and other birth control options.

need for safe abortions

The Importance of Confidentiality in Abortion Care: Protecting Women’s Privacy and Safety


Abortion always remains in the headlines as a controversial topic. Its sensitivity keeps it surrounded by stigma and judgment. Women who seek abortion care may face several challenges, including social pressure, legal restrictions, and financial hardships. The main concern for women is the need for confidentiality in abortion care. Also, it is essential for protecting women’s rights, privacy, and safety. 

There is no doubt in saying that keeping the patient’s information private and secure is a fundamental principle of healthcare clinics. Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Clinic also keeps this principle on the top of its services lists. Women who seek abortion may have a fear of judgment or violence from the opposition (who oppose abortion). Therefore, most women want to keep their information confidential. 


The Importance Of Confidentiality In Abortion Care

importance of confidential abortions

Confidentiality Builds Trust: It is an essential aspect to build trust between patients and the abortion counselor. Most of women are often vulnerable while seeking an abortion. They may feel anxious and depressed about their decision. So, they need to build their trust in their counselor to keep their information private and secure. Even the counselor helps you to share your feelings and experiences without any fear, this stronger counselor-patient relationship. 


Confidentiality Protects Privacy: For protecting the privacy of women, confidentiality plays an important role. Women may face stigma and discrimination from their communities or families while seeking an abortion. Maybe a woman has to face violence and judgment also. But, confidentiality keeps all your personal information secure to your healthcare providers. This will keep you protected from any potential harm or harassment. 


Confidentiality Reduces Stigma: In many societies, abortion still seems as a stigma that keeps women of that place uncomfortable while seeking an abortion. As a result, women always stay in fear of being judged by society and the people around them. Confidentiality works here in reducing the stigma by providing a safe and supportive environment to women considering abortion. If she feels secure then she can make an informed decision about abortion. 


Confidentiality Encourages Honesty: Encouraging honesty is the next important aspect while giving abortion counseling. Women may have emotional and psychological needs that are complex. For that, they will provide an environment where they can share their feelings and experiences without any fear of judgment. Once a woman knows their information is secure and confidential, they are more honest and opens up to her counselor. As a result, it brings good outcomes for the patient and their growth. 


The Role Of Healthcare Providers in Ensuring Confidentiality

women's health clinic


Healthcare providers also have a significant role in ensuring confidentiality in abortion care. They keep the information safe by following certain steps, such as using a secure health record system, limiting patient access, and ensuring no one obtains the patient’s information without consent. Healthcare providers ensure that their staff is well-trained and experienced in keeping the process and details confidential. They understand the importance of protecting information. 


Here is the outline of a few roles for healthcare providers: 

  • Healthcare providers may have legal and ethical resources to maintain patient confidentiality. 
  • A provider must ensure to keep the patient’s information private or not disclose it to unauthorized individuals. 
  • A provider should obtain written consent from patients before sharing their medical information with a third person or party. 
  • Healthcare providers can use secure communication channels when transmitting patient information electronically. 
  • A provider must ensure that patient records are stored in a safe place and can be accessed only by authorized personnel. 
  • Providers must implement accurate measurements to protect patient information from theft, loss, or any kind of unauthorized access. 
  • Healthcare providers may also have to put clear policies and procedures in place for handling patient information. 
  • They must be aware if anyone breaches the patient’s information and lodge a complaint against them. 
  • They may encourage patients to ask questions related to their (patient) rights and raise concerns if needed. 



After reading the entire blog, you learn about the importance of confidentiality in abortion counseling. If the patient builds trust with their healthcare provider, only then can they can make an informed decision about abortion or birth control. Here you will also get to know about the role of the healthcare provider in following the listed methods and securing the information of patients. This will help you in understanding the trust that is building in abortion with the provider.

Category: Abortion
Nexplanon and birth control

Nexplanon Birth Control: How Effective Is It at Preventing Pregnancy?


Birth-control methods are becoming popular day by day as technology grows. The decision-making of birth control reflects the women’s right to make decisions on their own. Despite all these, let’s talk about a variety of options available for birth control, including vaginal rings, IUDs, oral contraceptives, and patches.

However, there is one of the new forms of birth control introduced – Nexplanon implant. It is basically a small and flexible rod that is inserted beneath the skin of the upper arm. But the question raised is how effective is Nexplanon at preventing pregnancy? In this blog post, you’ll learn about Nexplanon, its effectiveness, and how it prevents pregnancy.


What is Nexplanon?


nexplanon birth control method

Nexplanon is a tiny and flexible implant that is inserted in the woman’s body from beneath the skin of the upper arm. This form of hormonal birth control comes under progestin-only, which represents the release of synthetic versions of the hormone progesterone. The device is the size of a matchstick.

Further, it is inserted by a healthcare provider during a quick, outpatient procedure. The duration of the implant lasts for up to three years once it is inserted. It provides a long-lasting experience and reduces the stress of taking daily pills, injections, or other forms of contraception.


How Does Nexplanon Prevent Pregnancy?


Nexplanon implant birth control

To prevent pregnancy, Nexplanon releases a synthetic hormone called progesterone version. This hormone impacts differently in preventing pregnancy and its working ways are also distinct. First, it thickens cervical mucus, which as a result, makes it difficult for sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

Second, it makes the lining of the uterus thin that in a result becomes less hospitable to fertilize an egg. Ultimately, it can also suppress ovulation in some women in preventing the release of an egg altogether.


How effective is Nexplanon Birth Control at preventing pregnancy?


If Nexplanon birth control is used appropriately and consistently, it is beneficial over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. That is why this is known to be the most effective birth control form. Well, sometimes the effectiveness of the Nexplanon gets affected due to numerous factors. These factors consist of the age and weight of users, their smoking habits, and whether they take proper medication or not. Some medications, like certain antibiotics and antifungal drugs, may reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon.


Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how Nexplanon insertion process works:


  • First of all, your healthcare provider will review your medical history to discuss the potential benefits and risks of implementation with you. The examination includes a physical exam and blood pressure checkup.
  • Once you’re ready for the process, the provider will numb the area where the implant will be inserted with a local anesthetic. This will minimize the feeling of pain during the procedure.
  • In the next step, the provider will make a small incision in the upper arm. They will use a specific service to insert the implant beneath the skin.
  • After the implant is inserted, the insertion area will cover with a small bandage or strips. The provider may also pressurize the particular area to minimize the bleeding.
  • At last, you will be given a prescription or specific instructions on how to care for the insertion area, including, to keep it clean and dry, or when you can resume routine activities.


Note: Nexplanon does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), it is better to use condoms or other protection methods.


How is Nexplanon Inserted?


Nexplanon birth control

Nexplanon takes a few minutes to insert. Read the following points to learn about the insertion procedure.

  • A healthcare provider inserted the Nexplanon during a quick and outpatient procedure.
  • The implant process usually takes less than five minutes and to minimize the discomfort, it is done under local anesthesia.
  • In the next step, a small incision in the upper arm will be made by the provider inserting the implant beneath the skin.
  • Once inserted, the implant shall remain for up to three years.
  • Make sure to keep the insertion area clean and dry after insertion to prevent infection.
  • You should also need to avoid heavy lifting or hectic activities for the first few days after the insertion.
  • You will also receive detailed instructions and caring tips from your healthcare provider. They will also let you know what to expect in the weeks and months following insertion.


It is important to seek the assistance of an experienced healthcare provider to insert Nexplanon. Do not attempt it by yourself; otherwise, it can cause danger or increase the risk of complications.


Can You Get Pregnant On Nexplanon?


can you get pregnant on Nexplanon


However, there are some factors that can reduce the effectiveness of Nexplanon. It includes certain medications that can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of the hormone in the implant. Additionally, if the implant is not inserted correctly or becomes damaged, it may be less effective at preventing pregnancy.




Undoubtedly, Nexplanon birth control is one of the most effective hormonal birth-control methods, with over 99% assurance. But the entire procedure of insertion should be done under the guidance of an experienced healthcare provider to avoid later consequences. You may reach out to Her Smart Choice, a reputed birth control clinic in Los Angeles with an extensive range of women’s health service providers.

Category: Blog, Nexplanon
abnormal bleeding

Abnormal Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

What is Abnormal Bleeding?


Abnormal bleeding is basically uterine bleeding that refers to any variation in the normal menstrual cycle. This term is broadly spread and includes various types of bleeding patterns, such as irregular bleeding, heavy periods, or bleeding between periods. If you want to seek medical help, you must understand the difference between normal and abnormal bleeding. 


In addition, normal bleeding of the menstrual period occurs in a specific or predictable pattern for about 21 to 35 days. If we analyze the moderate flow of menstruation, then the bleeding itself lasts for an average of 4 to 7 days. This flow of bleeding requires changing a pad every few hours. However, menstrual cycles can vary from woman to woman. 


What Causes Heavy Abnormal Bleeding?

abnormal bleeding causes


Menorrhagia is a medical name for heavy abnormal bleeding that can have several underlying causes. It is essential to keep in mind that heavy bleeding is relative, but not the same for every person. It can be heavier for one person and may be normal for another. Here are some of the potential causes that can be resulted in heavy abnormal bleeding:


Hormonal Imbalances – It specifically refers to the increase of estrogen relative to progesterone, which means it can upset the normal menstrual cycle. As a result, it leads to heavy bleeding. Conditions like PCOS or certain thyroid disorders can contribute to hormonal imbalances. 


Uterine Fibroids – It is a kind of noncancerous growth that develops in the uterus’ muscular walls. The cause is that they can vary in size and location which can cause heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. It can also distort the uterine cavity. 


Presence of Endometrial Tissue – This tissue is present within the muscular walls of the uterus. It can cause enlargement of the uterus, resulting in heavy and painful periods. 


Growth Within Uterus Lining – The benign growth that develops within the uterus lining can lead to heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. It specifically happens when they become disrupted. 


Excessive Thickening of Uterine Lining – Excessive thickening can occur due to hormonal imbalances. It includes an excess estrogen relative to progesterone as mentioned before. This term can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. 


Blood Disorders – Certain blood disorders can also impair the normal clotting process which further results in heavy bleeding during menstruation. 


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease– PID is a kind of infection that affects women’s reproductive organs. It consists of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Inflammation and scarring can contribute to heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding. 


Certain Medications – If you have taken certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs then it can lead to heavy bleeding. It can also interfere with the ability of the blood to clot in an accurate way. 


Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) – IUDs play a vital role in abnormal bleeding. Hormonal IUDs reduce menstrual bleeding in some women, whereas non-hormonal or copper IUDs can lead to heavier bleeding during periods. 


Cancerous Conditions – It happens very rarely, but in some cases, heavy or abnormal bleeding can depict the symptoms of uterine or cervical cancer or precancerous conditions. In such situations, women must require prompt medical attention for adequate diagnosis and treatment. 


However, it is suggested that you must consult a healthcare professional if you are experiencing heavy abnormal bleeding. The experts of Her Smart Choice, a women’s health center, assist you to determine the underlying causes and develop a tailored and appropriate treatment plan that suits your health condition. 


Symptoms Of Abnormal Bleeding


symptoms of abnormal bleeding


  • You will feel weakness and fatigue due to excessive bleeding during periods, passing large blood clots, and anemia symptoms. 
  • Unpredictable menstrual cycle lengths or durations, inconsistent bleeding patterns.
  • Postmenopausal refers to vaginal bleeding that occurs after menopause.
  • Bleeding between periods that occurs outside of regular menstrual cycles, also known as intermenstrual bleeding. 
  • Occurrence of bleeding during or after sexual intercourse.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding depicts the blood in the stool, black or tarry stools. 
  • Abnormal bleeding from the nose, and gums, or minimal injury to other body parts. 


Treatments That Can Help


abnormal bleeding treatments


Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: The hormonal birth control and anti-inflammatory drugs help you in reducing bleeding and pain, tranexamic to promote blood clotting, removal of the uterine lining, and surgical interventions if there are any severe cases. 


Irregular Menstrual Cycles: The treatment of irregular menstrual cycles depends on the underlying cause. Hormonal contraceptives, including birth control pills, patches, and hormonal IUDs can regulate cycles and hormones. 


Postmenopausal Bleeding: In postmenstrual cases, women require an immediate evaluation that the HSC center provides with its same-day services. The thinning of vaginal tissues can also be a sign of endometrial cancer or other gynecological conditions. Further ultrasound, biopsy, and diagnostic tests may be recommended to determine the cause and treatment. 


Bleeding Between periods: Treatments are based on underlying causes, yet hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed to regulate menstrual cycles. If the cause is due to infections or abnormalities, such as antibiotics or surgical removal may be essential. 


Bleeding During Or After Sexual Intercourse: You must contact a healthcare professional if you’re facing postcoital bleeding. It can involve infections, cervical or vaginal abnormalities, or, in rare cases, cancer. Its treatment will depend on the cause and other surgical or medication treatments. 




The above-given passages provide you the general information on abnormal bleeding and its causes. The categorization of heavy abnormal bleeding is also helpful information that lets you know the situations in which you need to be aware or need consultation. It is important to note that abnormal bleeding can have some severe impacts, including cervical cancer. Whether it is light spotting or heavier bleeding, you must consult healthcare professionals. 


The experienced healthcare providers of Her Smart Choice offer a proper evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment as per your health condition. Early detection and treatment help in managing abnormal bleeding and prevent potential complications. 

Category: Blog, Women's Health
can you get std without having sex

Concerns & Precautions: Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex

Can You Get An STD Without Having Sex? The answer is Yes you can.

Many of you may not be familiar with the possibility of getting an STD without having sex. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is a disease that is associated with sexual activity, but you can get STDs without having sex.


In the following passages, you’ll learn about the several ways how can you get an STD without having sex. You may also get aware of the misconception related to non-sexual STDs concern and prevention. If you want to keep your sexual health safe then you have to understand these alternative transmission routes. So, let’s dive and learn about non-sexual STD transmission


STDs Without Having Sexual Intercourse

non sexual stds

Mother-To-Child Transmission – One way is mother-to-child transmission through which you can acquire STDs without sexual intercourse. It is the primary way and is also known as vertical transmission. The infection can be passed during pregnancy, labor, and breastfeeding, from the mother to her baby. However, STDs like HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and herpes can be transmitted in this way that are explained further:


HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus that is popular as HIV, can be transmitted from mother to child. It may happen when an HIV positive mother is  pregnant, giving birth to a child, or breastfeeding. 


Syphilis: Syphilis is caused when a pregnant woman has untreated syphilis bacteria. Otherwise the infection can be transmitted to the fetus. It leads to congenital syphilis that can cause serious health complications for the baby. 


Hepatitis B: The HBV virus can be transmitted from an infected mother to newborn child during child’s birth. This viral infection affects the liver and causes chronic diseases untreated. 


Blood And Needle Exposure – Another significant way is via blood and needle exposure for non-sexual STD Transmission. The already used or shared needles, syringes, or drug paraphernalia can transmit blood-borne infections, such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. This infection can be transmitted with the contact of infected blood or other body fluids. 


Skin-to-skin Contact  – Some of the STDs like herpes, can be transmitted through skin contact. It doesn’t require sexual engagement. It consists of close contact during intimate activities, such as kissing or oral sex, the presence of open sores. These activities can facilitate the transmission of these sexually transmitted infections. 

To exemplify, herpes can be caused through the direct transmission from skin contact without engaging in sexual intercourse. The HSV can be transmitted through contact with oral, genital, or anal areas, specially when there are active sores present. 


Environment Exposure – Some STDs can be acquired through environmental exposure. To exemplify, there are public lice (crabs) that can spread with the sharing of contaminated bedding, towels, or clothing. Similarly, trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection that can be contracted through sex toys and damp towels.   


Precautions That You Need To Know

STD precautions

Practice Abstinence – Well, it’s a quite difficult task to practice abstinence but it is the most effective way to prevent STDs. If you choose to abstain from any sexual activity the risk of sexually transmitted infections can be eliminated. Abstinence is a personal choice and should be respected. 


Education & Awareness – It is essential to stay informed about STDs, even if you’re not active sexually. You can get knowledge of different types of infections and the potential risks associated with each. In such a situation, you can seek reliable sources of information, including healthcare websites, providers, and resources to stay updated about sexual health. 


Communicate and Set Boundaries – In any relationship, it is essential to set boundaries and make direct communication, whether it involves sexual activity or not. You can express your expectations and boundaries to your partner regarding physical contact and potential risks. Make sure to have open and clear communication to build trust and understanding. 


Maintain Personal Hygiene – To prevent STD transmission, it is essential to follow and adopt good personal hygiene practices, such as washing your hands with soap regularly, especially before eating. Make sure to keep your body clean and maintain proper genital hygiene. Use mild soaps without any harsh chemicals or scents to clean the genital area. 


Be Cautious in Medical Settings – Make sure to follow proper safety measures to control infections when seeing medical care. You can verify healthcare providers to ensure that they follow all the protocols when using medical instruments, needles, and other equipment.


Blood-borne Infections Information – Make sure to stay informed about blood-borne infections that can be transmitted through sharing needles or with contact with contaminated blood. Before receiving any medical treatment that includes the use of needles or blood products, make sure that healthcare providers use sterile equipment.




The above-given information on the cause of STDs without sexual engagement and their prevention will be helpful for you. It clearly explains that sexually transmitted diseases are not limited to sexual intercourse alone but it’s a widespread disease. You can take prevention only if you’re aware of the several situations that can cause STDs without sexual intercourse. 


Prevention can be possible only if you follow all the above-given precautions and preventive measures positively. Make sure to make the communication clear and be cautious in medical settings and take other precautions to reduce the risk of contracting STDs. Empower yourself with the right and up-to-date knowledge to make informed choices and protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

Vaginal Discharges: Types, Causes, and When to Seek Medical Attention

Women have to face several health concerns that influence them to stay proactive all the time. Vaginal discharges are one of them. It is a normal and natural occurrence in women’s reproductive health, but sometimes it highlights some serious changes. The change in color, odor, and consistency in vaginal discharges becomes a matter of concern.


Further, this common concern is divided into two most widespread causes – bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections. The causes of this condition include itching, discomfort, and disruption in vaginal health that can be severe for women’s reproductive health. 


Undoubtedly, these conditions create discomfort, yet it is essential to understand them to get the right treatment on time at your nearest women’s health clinic. This is only possible if you have prior knowledge.


In this blog, you will explore and learn about the advantages of understanding bacterial and yeast infections. Here you will learn about early detection, treatment decisions, and overall vaginal health. This valuable insight allows you to protect yourself against severe conditions and receive a cure timely. 


Bacterial Vaginosis


Do you know that an imbalance in vaginal bacteria is the primary cause of bacterial vaginosis? The change in pH can cause the overgrowth of bacteria inside the vagina that become increasingly dominant. Further, there are some risk factors that included, sexual activity, douching, or the use of any particular hygiene products. 


Symptoms: The common symptoms of BV are thin, fishy, grayish-white discharge with a bad odor that can happen after sex or during menstruation. An individual can also feel vaginal itching and burning during urination. The diagnostic methods are used in women’s healthcare clinics to analyze the infection.


BV symptoms can come back within 3 to 12 months of treatment. But, if you left it untreated, it may increase the risk of similar infections and STIs that can put women’s reproductive life at risk. 


Yeast Infections


The cause of yeast infection is an overgrowth of a fungus known as candida fungus. You can identify its risk factors, such as a weak immune system, hormone changes, and the use of high-sugar diets.


Symptoms:  You can see the symptoms, including burning during sex or urination, pain, soreness or itching, redness or swelling around the vaginal opening, and a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge. 


Yeast infection in a mild stage can go away easily without treatment or with professionals’ guidance. Yet if you’re pregnant and have a vaginal yeast infection, it can be risky. Especially, if you’re giving birth vaginally, you may pass the infection to the baby in oral form.  


Causes & Treatments Of Each Infection


vaginal discharges causes & treatments


In simple terms, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is bacterial in nature, whereas yeast infection is fungal. When the Candida fungus overgrows, it causes yeast infections. On the other hand, when one of the bacteria in your vagina overgrows, it causes BV. It has been noticed that a change in an individual’s vaginal pH may trigger BV. 


Early Detection & Right Treatment


  • If an individual is able to understand the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections then it becomes easy to detect them earlier.
  • Early diagnosis prevents complications and lowers the seriousness of the infection.
  • Recognition of seeking medical attention enables individuals to obtain appropriate treatment before the condition gets worse. 


Informed Treatment Decisions


  • If an individual knows about the cause and characteristics of both vaginal discharge causes, it empowers them to make an informed treatment decision. 
  • Prior awareness of the treatments, counter medication, and natural and prescribed medications helps individuals pick the approach that fits best with their preferences. 
  • Knowledge of treatment options helps in an open and productive discussion with doctors or healthcare professionals. It also leads to effective treatment. 


Prevention and Recurrence Management


  • Detailed knowledge of both abnormal vaginal discharge causes helps in preventing the risk of occurrence. 
  • If an individual has the knowledge of risk factors, including antibiotics, certain hygiene practice, and hormonal changes, help them to make informed choices. 
  • Know the awareness strategies to maintain a healthy vaginal environment, like wearing breathable clothes, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing hygiene. 


Regular Prevention:


To prevent vaginal infections, you can practice safe sex. 


  • Use wipes or paper to wipe the front and back after using the washroom.
  • Wear loose-fitting undergarments. 
  • Immediately change out of wet clothes or bathing suits. 
  • Avoid the use of scented soaps on the sensitive body part.
  • Avoid spending excess time in hot bathtubs. 


Overall Vaginal Health Awareness:


  • Awareness of yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis is essential for women to understand vaginal health and its importance for a healthy reproductive life. 
  • If an individual has the proper knowledge, they can maintain their optimal vaginal health by following regular check-ups and self-care practices. 
  • Awareness of vaginal health leads to overall well-being and helps women prioritize self-care and a healthy lifestyle. You will also get to know when you need professional assistance. 


When To See A Healthcare Provider


healthcare provider


Make sure to keep in mind the following tips while making an appointment:

  • If this is the very first time that you’re experiencing the yeast infection’s symptoms.
  • If you’ve experienced it before, but now you’re not aware of it 
  • If you may know that you have BV. 




The understanding and information about women’s health also brings numerous prevention and health benefits if detected earlier. Prior knowledge allows an individual to make informed decisions on time and present from infection. From the above statements, you may be familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of vaginal discharge. 


Moreover, bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are required to remain healthy for the long-term well-being of women and their reproductive health. For more detailed knowledge and efficient reproductive healthcare services, you may reach the reliable and nearest women’s health center.


Category: Women's Health

Role Of Counseling In Abortion Clinics: Supporting Patients’ Choices

The complexity of the abortion decision is very challenging, both mentally and physically, for the patients and their families. Thousands of questions are revolving in the patient’s mind, whether it is about post-abortion care or procedure safety.

Here, counseling in an abortion clinic plays a vital role in providing you with safety tips and compassionate care. Counseling helps patients make wise and right decisions about their reproductive health or provides emotional support.

There are many assumptions related to abortion counseling, who provides it and issues in counseling, but it is vital to understand its clear concept. The main focus of the counselor is to establish women’s consent to abortion. A proper understanding of her choices and the medical risks, if any, provided by a counselor.

Generally, counselors can use nonmedical or layman’s language. Emotional support can be provided by establishing rapport with the patient, listening actively, giving permission to excessively express feelings, and remaining non-judgmental.

Some major concerns that always appear in the abortion counseling session can be conflict with the partner, anger, fear of pain, future childbearing, and easy decision-making. Further, education and discussion help to alleviate fears.

Counseling allows you to address any concerns and get satisfactory support and solutions. In this blog, you will get to know more about the importance of abortion care and counseling in the Center for Women’s Health and how it supports patients’ choices.

Common areas to focus on for the abortion counselor include setting up counseling, stress, burnout, and coping with special patients.


How does abortion counseling work?

how abortion counseling work

Generally, abortion counseling has three main purposes for which it works honestly and adequately. Here are the purposes behind abortion counseling:

First, the counselor’s main focus is to help the patient make a wise decision about the unwanted pregnancy to avoid any later complications.

Secondly, counseling helps women make informed decisions and implement them.

Third, counseling assists women with the methods of controlling their future fertility.

Overall, from pre-abortion to the follow-ups of post-abortion, counseling works as the best therapy for many people.


Why is counseling considered important in Women’s Health Clinics?

Counseling is important as it provides an opportunity for patients to discuss their queries with trained professionals. Whether it is about implications, care, or abortion options, the following reasons explain why counseling is important:

Making Informed- decisions: Counseling helps patients understand their reproductive health and make an informed decision. During your session, you’ll get to know all about the abortion procedure, its complications, potential risks, and other alternatives.

Addressing Concerns: Patients may have many concerns and queries related to abortion procedures that are answered by a counselor. Patients will be provided with a safe and confidential space to convey their concerns without hesitation. Sometimes professionals also address your concerns and guide you accordingly.

Emotional Support – The trained professional knows how stressful and challenging abortion is. So they provide emotional support to the patients and prepare them for an abortion procedure. They also help them cope with their emotions during and after the process.

Planning For The Future – Patients can also discuss their future reproductive health needs in counseling. The information on the options for contraception and planning for future pregnancies.


What is the role of counselors in abortion clinics?

abortion clinic

Counselors play a vital role in an abortion clinic by providing support to patients. The trained professionals support the patients without bias or judgment. Now, learn about the commitments and roles of counselors in women’s health clinics:

Exploring Personal Values and Beliefs: Personal values and beliefs are also an essential part of counseling. Counselors help patients explore their inner selves and values to make the right decision. Basically, counselors use an indirect approach to help patients make decisions about their choices and promote self-acceptance. 

Decision Clarity and Confidence: When it comes to decision-making about abortion, it becomes complicated for individuals. Counselors follow a process of exploration to provide clarity to the patient and add confidence to their decision. They encourage patients with their detailed guidance and support. 

Pre and Post Abortion Counseling: Counselors play a vital role in providing counseling to prepare patients. It covers the abortion procedure, discusses what to expect, and addresses concerns. It will help patients reduce anxiety and get prepared for the treatment.

Post-abortion counseling also provided emotional support, including contraception and future reproductive health.

Private and Confidential Conversation: Don’t get worried about privacy as the entire conversation upholds confidential guidelines. They ensure that the patient’s information remains private and secure. Their commitment creates a safe environment for women to discuss sensitive or personal matters. 



To conclude the above-given information, the counseling role in abortion clinics is critical to supporting patients’ choices. It not only provides them with information but also guidance and emotional support. Counselors help patients access their needs. Further, it depicts the support provided to patients throughout the entire procedure. From initial abortion decision-making to post-abortion follow-up, counseling helps patients choose options wisely and make firm decisions. Also, the counselor ensures the patient receives adequate healthcare services without any burden or fear.


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