5 Ways Telehealth Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Health

5 Ways Telehealth Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Health

For many women, navigating the traditional healthcare system can feel like an obstacle course: juggling busy schedules, battling traffic, waiting in crowded rooms, and facing time constraints during consultations. But the digital revolution is ushering in a new era of empowerment – entering telehealth abortion clinics, transforming healthcare delivery and placing the reins of well-being firmly in women’s hands.

  1. Shattering Distance Barriers

Imagine needing specialized care for a rare condition or seeking the expertise of a renowned doctor across the country. For women in rural areas or needing niche specialists, physical distance often translates to limited access. Telehealth breaks down these barriers, connecting you with experts regardless of location. This empowers you to seek the best possible care for your unique needs, fostering a sense of control and confidence in your health journey.

  1. Time is Precious

Let’s face it, fitting doctor’s appointments into our crammed schedules can be a juggling act. Telehealth eliminates this struggle by offering consultations at your convenience. Picture scheduling an appointment during your lunch break, after the kids are asleep, or even while traveling for work. This flexibility empowers you to prioritize your health without sacrificing precious time or energy, a significant advantage for busy women and those managing childcare or professional demands.

  1. Beyond Rush Hour Consultations

5 Ways Telehealth Empowers Women to Take Control of Their HealthGone are the days of rushed in-person consultations where important details might get lost. Telehealth fosters a more relaxed and interactive environment, allowing you to discuss your concerns in-depth and ask questions freely. This open communication empowers you to understand your health better, actively participate in treatment decisions, and feel fully engaged in your well-being.

  1. Discreet and Sensitive Care

Whether it’s reproductive health, sexual concerns, or mental health struggles, women often face unique healthcare needs requiring a sensitive and understanding approach. Telehealth creates a discreet and comfortable space for discussing these personal matters. This empowers you to seek the care you need without hesitation or fear of judgment, fostering a trusting relationship with your healthcare provider and prioritizing your emotional and physical well-being.

  1. Beyond One-Time Appointments

Telehealth isn’t just about one-time consultations. It opens doors to ongoing monitoring, follow-up appointments, and even remote management of chronic conditions. This continuous care empowers you to stay on track with your health goals, receive timely support, and proactively address any concerns that may arise. Moreover, many platforms offer personalized education, resources, and community support tailored to your specific needs, further empowering you to manage your health holistically.

The Ripple Effect: Empowering Women Beyond Convenience

5 Ways Telehealth Empowers Women to Take Control of Their HealthWhile convenience is a game-changer, the impact of telehealth goes beyond saving time and energy. It empowers women in several crucial ways:

  • Breaking Financial Barriers: Telehealth can be more affordable than traditional appointments, thanks to reduced overhead costs and potentially lower fees. This makes quality healthcare more accessible for women with limited financial resources, ensuring equitable access to health services.
  • Addressing Mental Health Stigma: Telehealth offers a more accessible and anonymous environment for seeking mental health support, encouraging women to prioritize their emotional well-being and break down the stigma surrounding mental health concerns.
  • Empowering Rural Communities: By connecting women in remote areas to specialists, telehealth bridges the gap in healthcare access and ensures everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, regardless of their location.

Taking the Wheel: Navigating Your Telehealth Journey


5 Ways Telehealth Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Health

As you explore the world of telehealth, remember these key points:

  • Research is Power: Choose reputable platforms and providers certified in your area of concern. Reading reviews and checking credentials can instill confidence and ensure quality care.
  • Prioritize Your Needs: Identify your specific healthcare goals and priorities when selecting services. Understanding your unique needs ensures you choose the right platform and provider for your journey.
  • Open Communication is Key: Be clear and transparent with your healthcare provider about your medical history, concerns, and expectations. This fosters a collaborative approach and empowers you to make informed decisions.
  • Be Your Own Advocate: Don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek clarification, and express your preferences regarding your care. Remember, you are in charge of your health journey, and your voice matters.

Wrapping Up

Telehealth is not just a temporary solution; it’s a powerful tool that empowers women to take control of their health and well-being. By embracing its convenience, accessibility, and personalized approach, we can unlock a future where every woman has the power to prioritize their health, make informed decisions, and build a healthier, happier life. Remember, health is an ongoing journey, and telehealth is your empowering co-pilot, cheering you on every step of the way.

medication abortion in california

Expanding Opportunities: Medication Abortion Now Available on UC and CSU Campuses in California

California marked a historic occasion on January 1, 2023, by becoming the first state to mandate its public universities to offer medication abortion, also known as abortion pills, directly on campus. This groundbreaking legislation, Senate Bill 24, represents a significant step towards improving access to safe and legal abortion care for students across the state.


Understanding the Need for Change:

medication abortion

Access to abortion care is not just a medical consideration; it’s an integral part of reproductive healthcare and overall well-being. Unfortunately, students have historically faced numerous hurdles in seeking abortion services, including:

  • Financial Considerations: The cost of abortion care can be substantial, and not all students have adequate insurance coverage, creating a significant financial barrier.
  • Logistical Challenges: Reaching off-campus clinics can be inconvenient and time-consuming, especially for students lacking reliable transportation options.
  • Stigma and Shame: The persistent stigma surrounding abortion often silences students and discourages them from openly seeking the care they need.

By offering medication abortion directly on campus, California directly addresses these hurdles, aiming to achieve:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: By eliminating geographical and financial barriers, on-campus access empowers students to make informed choices confidently, without undue burdens.
  • Reduced Stigma: Normalizing abortion care within the university environment helps chip away at the stigma, enabling open discussions and fostering a more supportive atmosphere for students considering their options.
  • Empowered Decisions: On-campus resources equip students with accurate information and readily available support, allowing them to make well-informed and confident choices regarding their reproductive health.


The Practicalities of On-Campus Access:

Medication Abortion

While specific implementation plans may vary slightly across campuses, the general framework involves:

    • Telehealth Consultations: Students connect virtually with qualified healthcare professionals to discuss their options, eligibility, and any concerns they may have.
    • On-Campus Medication Dispensing: Once deemed eligible, students receive the  abortion pills directly on campus in a safe and confidential setting, eliminating the need for additional travel or logistical hurdles.
    • Comprehensive Support: Many campuses offer counseling and referral services to support students throughout the process, addressing emotional, logistical, and any other needs that may arise.


The Potential Impact:

This initiative holds the potential to bring about significant positive changes:

  • Increased Access: Students facing financial or transportation challenges will no longer be sidelined, ensuring equitable access to safe abortion care regardless of their circumstances.
  • Reduced Stigma: Normalizing abortion care within the academic space can foster a more accepting and supportive environment, empowering students to openly discuss their choices without fear or judgment.
  • Informed Decisions: On-campus resources equip students with accurate information and readily available support, enabling them to make well-informed and confident choices regarding their reproductive health.
  • Student Empowerment: Taking control of their reproductive health choices can significantly impact students’ well-being, academic success, and overall sense of empowerment.


What It Means for You:

If you are a student in California attending a UC or CSU campus:

  • Medication abortion is a safe and effective option for early pregnancy termination.
  • Reach out to your campus health center to learn more about their specific implementation plan and how to access services.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the process, eligibility, available support resources, and anything else you may want to know.
  • Remember, you are not alone. Support and guidance are readily available both on and off campus to help you navigate this important decision.


A New Chapter for Reproductive Healthcare:

Medication AbortionThe expanding landscape of on-campus medication abortion access signifies a crucial step towards reproductive justice and healthcare equity for students nationwide. This movement empowers students to make informed choices, navigate their reproductive health with confidence,and break down the barriers that have long stood in their way.

Remember, individual experiences and needs vary. If you are considering abortion, seek comprehensive and confidential care from a trusted healthcare professional who can offer personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. Whether you’re considering abortion or simply exploring your options you can visit any abortion center in California.

Don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to listen, guide, and support you on your journey. Together, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

post-abortion recovery

Post-Abortion Recovery: Understanding Your Body and Emotions After an Abortion

Making the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one, and the journey doesn’t stop after the procedure. Every woman’s experience is unique, and post-abortion recovery involves both physical and emotional changes. This blog aims to provide information and support for women navigating this journey, addressing the question: How long after an abortion do pregnancy symptoms subside?


Physical Recovery: 

post-abortion recoveryAfter an abortion, your body begins the process of returning to its pre-pregnant state. The timeframe for this varies depending on the type of abortion (medical or surgical) and your individual health. Here’s a general overview:

Bleeding: You may experience vaginal bleeding similar to a period for up to two weeks. This is normal and gradually subsides. Consult your doctor if bleeding is heavy or prolonged.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Most pregnancy symptoms like nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue fade within 24-48 hours after a medical abortion and within a few days after a surgical abortion.

Cramping: Mild cramping is common and usually lessens within a few days. Over-the-counter pain medication can help manage discomfort. 

Cervical Changes: Your cervix, which softened during pregnancy, will gradually firm up over the next few weeks.

Returning to Regular Periods: Your menstrual cycle may take some time to regulate. Expect your first period 4-8 weeks after an abortion.


Emotional Recovery:

post-abortion recovery

Just as the physical recovery is individual, so are the emotional responses to abortion. It’s important to acknowledge and understand your emotions, which may include:

  • Relief: Many women feel a sense of relief after making a difficult decision.
  • Sadness or loss: You may grieve the loss of the potential pregnancy, even if the decision was right for you.
  • Guilt or regret: These are common emotions, even if unfounded. Allow yourself to process these feelings without judgment.
  • Anxiety or stress: Concerns about potential complications or societal judgment can contribute to anxiety.
  • Remember: It’s completely normal to experience a range of emotions. Talking to a trusted friend, family member, therapist, or counselor can be very helpful during this time.


Support and Resources:

Seeking support after an abortion is crucial for both your physical and emotional well-being. Here are some resources available to you:

  • Women’s health clinics: Like Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center in California, provide comprehensive support, including post-abortion consultations, emotional counseling, and referrals to additional resources.
  • Family planning centers: Offer various birth control options and abortion services, often with confidential counseling.
  • National hotlines: Organizations like Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation offer confidential support and information.
  • Online communities: Connecting with other women who have had abortions can provide valuable peer support and understanding.


Understanding Your Timeline:

post-abortion recovery

While the information provided can offer a general idea, it’s important to remember that every woman’s experience is unique. The best way to understand your personal recovery timeline is to listen to your body and communicate openly with your healthcare provider.


Here are some key points to remember:

  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions: Your doctor is there to address your concerns and provide personalized guidance.
  • Pay attention to your body: Listen to your physical and emotional needs and allow yourself time to heal.
  • Be patient: Healing is a process. Be kind to yourself and allow your body and emotions time to adjust.

If you’re seeking support after an abortion, know you’re not alone. At Her Smart Choice, we understand the physical and emotional needs following this decision. We offer comprehensive care, including safe and confidential abortion services, post-abortion consultations, emotional counseling, and a warm, supportive environment. We’re here to listen, answer your questions, and empower you on your journey towards healing, every step of the way.

Abortion and Reproductive Justice: A Closer Look at Intersectionality

Abortion and reproductive justice are complex and nuanced topics that go beyond the surface of pro-choice or pro-life debates. Examining the intersectionality of these issues is crucial to understanding how various factors, such as race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status, intersect and impact an individual’s access to reproductive healthcare. Let’s explore the concept of intersectionality in the context of abortion and reproductive justice, delving into the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals seeking reproductive autonomy medical abortion in california


Understand Intersectionality In Brief

Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, refers to the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, as they apply to an individual or group, creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. When we apply this concept to abortion and reproductive justice, it allows us to recognize that people’s experiences and challenges are influenced by a combination of factors, rather than just one.


Examining Intersectionality in Abortion and Reproductive Justice

Abortion And Reproduction Justice

Race and Abortion Access:

It’s crucial to acknowledge that not all individuals seeking abortion face the same barriers. Women of color, particularly Black and Latina women, often encounter disproportionate challenges. Systemic inequalities and historical injustices contribute to limited access to reproductive healthcare services, including abortion. These disparities highlight the need to address racism as an integral part of the reproductive justice conversation.


Economic Factors:


Socioeconomic status plays a significant role in determining a person’s access to abortion services. Low-income individuals may face financial barriers, such as the cost of the procedure, transportation, and time off work. This economic aspect of abortion intersects with broader issues of income inequality and the lack of comprehensive healthcare coverage.


Geographical Barriers:


Access to abortion services varies based on geographical location. Rural areas, in particular, may lack abortion clinics, forcing individuals to travel long distances to access care. This geographical disparity intersects with economic factors, making it even more challenging for those with limited resources.


Gender Identity and Abortion:


Recognizing and respecting diverse gender identities is an integral part of reproductive justice. Transgender and non-binary individuals may face unique challenges when seeking abortion care, including discrimination, lack of understanding from medical abortion in california, and limited access to gender-affirming spaces.


Know The Core Of The Reproductive Justice Framework

Reproductive Justice Framework

Reproductive justice expands the conversation beyond the narrow focus of abortion to encompass a broader spectrum of reproductive rights and autonomy. The framework was developed by Black women activists in the 1990s to address the limitations of mainstream reproductive rights movements, which often excluded the experiences of marginalized communities.


Comprehensive Reproductive Rights:


Reproductive justice emphasizes the right to have children, not have children, and parent in safe and supportive environments. This approach acknowledges that reproductive rights extend beyond abortion to include access to contraception, comprehensive sex education, maternal healthcare, and the right to parent without fear of discrimination.


Community-Centered Advocacy:


Unlike the individualistic approach of mainstream reproductive rights, reproductive justice centers around community activism. It recognizes that systemic change is necessary to address the root causes of reproductive injustices. This community-focused approach encourages collective action to challenge discriminatory policies and practices.


Centering Marginalized Voices: 


Reproductive justice places a strong emphasis on amplifying the voices of those who have been historically marginalized. Listening to the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized groups is essential in creating inclusive and effective advocacy.


Intersectionality in Action:


The intersectional lens of reproductive justice encourages advocates to address the interconnected issues that impact individuals seeking reproductive healthcare. By understanding how race, class, gender, and other factors intersect, activists can create more comprehensive and inclusive strategies to promote reproductive autonomy.


Know The Ongoing Challenges and Resistance 

Challenges and Resistance

Despite the advancements in reproductive rights and justice, numerous challenges persist. Legal restrictions on abortion access, the defunding of Planned Parenthood, and the stigmatization of abortion contribute to a hostile environment for those seeking reproductive healthcare. Additionally, the intersectionality of these issues means that marginalized communities often face compounding challenges.


Legal Restrictions:


Abortion rights remain a battleground, with various states imposing restrictive laws that disproportionately affect marginalized communities. These laws not only limit access to abortion but also perpetuate systemic inequalities.


Stigma and Shame:


The societal stigma surrounding abortion further compounds the challenges faced by individuals. Stigmatizing rhetoric contributes to a culture of shame, preventing open and honest discussions about reproductive choices.


Barriers to Comprehensive Sex Education


Inadequate sex education in schools contributes to misinformation and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and biases. Comprehensive sex education is essential for empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.


Final Thoughts


Examining the intersectionality of abortion and reproductive justice allows us to move beyond binary debates and address the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals seeking reproductive autonomy. By adopting a reproductive justice framework, centered on community activism and the experiences of marginalized communities, we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable future. Understanding the interconnected nature of social categorizations is key to dismantling systemic barriers and ensuring that everyone has equal access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare medical abortion in california.

after abortion pregnancy symptoms

How Long After Abortion Do Symptoms Of Pregnancy Go Away?

If you’re considering an abortion, you may be wondering how long it will take for your body to return to normal afterward. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. 


Every woman experiences different symptoms and side effects after an abortion, and these can vary in severity and duration. In general, though, most women report feeling back to their pre-pregnancy selves within a few weeks or months. 


If you’re concerned about how you might feel after an abortion, talk to your doctor or another trusted healthcare provider. They can help you understand what to expect and provide support during and after the procedure.


It is normal to experience a range of emotions after an abortion, including relief, sadness, guilt, and anger

emotions after abortion

Many people experience a range of emotions following an abortion, which is absolutely normal. This can include a sense of relief that the decision was made, but also sadness at the implications of what it all means. 


Guilt is also common, but can be an unhelpful emotion if not managed healthily. Individuals may pathologize their feelings or experience very intense emotions, and this too is quite usual for the situation. 


Along with guilt, some individuals may feel anger; anger towards themselves for making the decision, and sometimes even anger towards society. Either way, it is important to remember that whatever emotions arise are completely natural and should never be judged negatively by oneself or by others.


Physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea and fatigue, usually go away within a few days


Being pregnant can be an amazing experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Many women have to deal with the physical symptoms associated with pregnancy, such as nausea and fatigue. Fortunately, these symptoms usually dissipate within a few days. 


After that, the focus can turn back to enjoying the changes taking place in their body and preparing for the arrival of their newborn baby. With many people available to lend support along the way, having a happy and healthy pregnancy is entirely possible.


Some women may experience post-abortion syndrome, which can include anxiety, depression, and difficulty bonding with future children


Post-abortion syndrome is a real phenomenon that can have long-term psychological effects on some women. This syndrome can manifest itself in numerous ways, including feelings of guilt and regret, anxiety, depression, and difficulty forming bonds with future children.


Thankfully, treatments are available to help those suffering from post-abortion issues. Talking to a trained mental health professional can help women come to terms with their decisions and the emotional repercussions associated with them so they can move forward in life with acceptance and clarity.


There are many resources available to help women cope with the aftermath of an abortion

abortion clinic

After an abortion, women may feel overwhelmed and struggle with a range of intense emotions. Fortunately, support is available to help them process their feelings. Counselors, friends, family members, and helplines can provide comfort and understanding. 


For example, a number of organizations offer free therapist-led support networks specifically designed to help those who have gone through an abortion. Furthermore, many offer post-abortion follow-up exams and other medical resources to address any lingering physical or emotional health issues that may arise after the procedure. 

While the decision to have an abortion is never easy, it is comforting to know that there are a variety of resources available to empower and heal during this challenging time in a woman’s life.

If you are experiencing negative emotions or physical symptoms that are interfering with your life, it is important to seek professional help


Taking care of our mental and physical health is just as important as we take care of our physical body. So, if you are experiencing persistent negative emotions or physical symptoms that take a toll on your mental and emotional energy levels, it is worthwhile to seek professional help. 


Professional help can drastically improve your well-being by understanding the root cause of the issue and helping to manage the source of your distress. Professional guidance can enable you to lead a more balanced, healthy life with a better sense of purpose and understanding. 


Don’t be afraid to talk to someone who can help you identify challenges, provide solutions and offer support – the results will be transformational in the end.


Final Verdict


Although the decision to have an abortion can be difficult and complicated, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Many women have been in your position, and many resources exist to help you through this time. 

Negative emotions are common after an abortion and should not be viewed as abnormal; however, if they become severe or start to interfere with your daily life, it is important to seek professional support so that you can heal and move forward. 

Remember that your feelings matter – give yourself the space and compassion to grieve or come to peace with the decision. With the right resources and a strong support system, you can make it through this difficult time.


how early can take abortion pill

All You Need To Know About Taking Abortion Pill

If you’re considering abortion, you may have many questions. Some of the common questions are “How early can I take the abortion pill while the other can is it safe to take the abortion pill… and many more?” 

The answer depends on different factors, but in this guide, we will try to cover all the possible questions that you may have about taking the abortion pill.

Abortion pill procedures are usually safe and effective. However, as with any medical procedure, there are certain risks involved. Be sure to talk to your doctor about all of your options and make the best decision for yourself.

Here’s an in-depth guide about abortion pills.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

  • The abortion pill is a medication that is taken to end a pregnancy.
  • It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue.
  • The abortion pill is typically taken within the first nine weeks of pregnancy.
  • It is effective in about 95% of cases.
  • Side effects of the abortion pill include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.
  • You should consult with your doctor before taking the abortion pill to make sure it is right for you.

Can Taking an Abortion Pill to be Painful?

How painful the abortion pill can vary from person to person, depending on individual pain tolerance and other factors. Some women find the experience harrowing, while others report only mild or no discomfort. 

Physical symptoms may include cramping and bleeding; emotional distress may also occur in some cases. It is essential to speak with a doctor beforehand to discuss any potential risks and decide which form of abortion is best for you.

What is the Timeline for Taking the Abortion Pill?

For those considering taking the abortion pill, it is important to understand the timeline involved. 

  • It can take 1-2 days or up to several weeks, depending on your unique circumstances. The process starts with a consultation with a healthcare provider. 


  • During this appointment, you will receive information about the abortion pill and have an ultrasound to check how many weeks pregnant you are. 


  • After taking the first pill mifepristone, you will likely experience cramping and bleeding, followed 48 -72 hours later by taking the second pill misoprostol. 


  • While the medical abortion process usually occurs within days after all pills are taken, some women may experience light bleeding, spotting, and other symptoms for up to four weeks.
  • Following completion, it is important to return for a follow-up appointment to be sure that your uterus has returned entirely to its pre-pregnancy size and shape.

 Where & How can the Abortion Pill be Obtained?

  • The abortion pill is available at most Planned Parenthood clinics.
  • It can also be obtained from some family planning clinics and private doctors.
  • The cost of the abortion pill varies but is usually around $350.
  • The abortion pill is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy.
  • It is important to consult with a medical professional before taking the abortion pill to ensure that it is the right decision for you.

Can the Abortion Pill be Mailed Across State Lines?

In recent years, debates have risen over the question of whether or not the abortion pill should be able to be mailed across state lines in the United States. Proponents of this issue argue that it is a woman’s right to have access to safe and affordable abortion services, including abortion pills, regardless of their state of residence or finances. 

Opponents are concerned that mail-order abortions are dangerous and non-regulated, and could allow for more complications with unwanted pregnancy terminations. However, both sides of this debate agree that women who choose to seek abortion services should have access to quality care with as few barriers as possible.

  1. Abortion pill by mail is still under attack by conservative lawmakers, despite the FDA ruling that allows abortion pills to be prescribed and sent by mail.
  2. Abortion pills by mail provide a much-needed service for pregnant people who find it difficult or impossible to access care in person. However, since the FDA ruling, conservative lawmakers have introduced 104 proposals attempting to restrict medication abortions.

Why Consult With An Expert Abortion Services Provider?

Making the decision to end a pregnancy is never easy. There are many factors to consider, and it can be a very emotional time. 

If you’re thinking about abortion, it’s important to consult with an expert provider who can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your situation. 


IUDs Types

As a woman, it is always wise to discuss your family planning options with your husband or partner. 

Family planning discussion will give you an idea about where you both stand on having kids. 

Moreover, if in this discussion you decide not to have kids for a few years, you can explore your birth control options. 

One of the most popular birth control options that women choose is Intra-Uterine devices (IUDs). This is the most effective birth control option that will last for about 12 years. 

But there is a major myth associated with IUDs. Some women think if they get IUDs, they will be choosing IUD for abortion

But the truth is far from that. IUDs do not prevent pregnancy by causing abortion.  

Instead, they prevent the pregnancy by either killing the sperms that enter the uterus or prevent the egg release from the ovary. This reduces the chances of fertilization to minuscule levels.

So, no fertilization, no pregnancy!

Now that we have got this myth busted, let us tell you about the two categories of IUDs you can choose from.

  • Non-Hormonal IUDs: In this category, a plastic T-shaped structure is wrapped with copper around it, hence copper IUDs.

Sperms hate copper because it changes the way they can swim thus preventing its meet with the egg. No fertilization, no pregnancy! 

  • Hormonal IUDs: In this category, a plastic T-shaped structure releases the hormone progestin in your body. 

Progestin is very much like natural progesterone released in your body. Hormonal IUDs prevent pregnancy in two ways.

These IUDs make the mucus of your cervix thicker making the entry of sperms difficult. Or else, they prevent the release of the egg from the ovary. 

Again, no fertilization, no pregnancy!

To know more about these categories of IUDs and which one is the best for you, contact us at Her Smart Choice.

We at Her Smart Choice are one of the leading affordable abortion clinics where we truly respect a woman’s choice for her body and life. 

We have a team of experienced medical professionals, who will provide you with the best family planning options that suit your needs. 

Not having kids or getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is a tough decision for any woman. We understand the seriousness of this decision. 

Therefore, we ensure that every woman feels safe and confident with the options, the moment she steps in through our clinic doors. 

At Her Smart Choice, we provide family planning options and consultations such as IUDs, medical abortion tablets, surgical abortion, hormonal birth control, and others. 

You can also visit us for gynecological services such as a PAP smear test, STDs and its testing, pelvic mass, and abnormal bleeding conditions. 

If you have been trying to conceive but have been unsuccessful, you can reach out to use for infertility treatments too. 

At Her Smart Choice, we also treat several gynecological conditions such as urinary tract infections, pelvis, or bladder-related issues, and such. 

So, you can visit us not only when you want an abortion but also for other woman’s reproductive health issues. 

We understand that discussing such sensitive issues demands the utmost confidentiality and privacy. And we strive to provide the same to every patient who visits us. 

You can visit us after booking an appointment via call or email. 

We also welcome walk-in patients all week at all our locations. 

You can find us at six locations in Los Angeles, namely, Burbank, Huntington Park, Van Nuys, East Los Angeles, San Fernando, and Northridge. 

So, take charge of your reproductive health with us at Her Smart Choice! 

prepare for abortion appointment

How to Prepare for Your Abortion Appointment? – A Simple Guide

So, you are pregnant but instead of being happy, you feel stressed. Trust us you are not alone! Moreover, you don’t have to feel guilty for not wanting the pregnancy. 

Always remember it is your body, your choice. 

Once you have decided to abort the pregnancy, it is time to visit a women’s abortion clinic. We will tell you about your options for aborting the unintended pregnancy and how to prepare for your abortion appointment.

Based on the duration of your pregnancy and your health condition, we will suggest a treatment plan. 

You will undergo either a medical abortion or surgical abortion. Now, of course, when you are with one of our experts at the clinic, you will be equipped with all the necessary information about your treatment. 

In addition to that, we also want you to know how you should prepare for your abortion appointment if you choose to go through the procedure. 

Here are a few important points to note. 

  • Plan Your Travel: Yes, this is important. After the medical or surgical abortion, you will not be able to drive yourself back from the clinic. Hence, please make sure to arrange your travel in advance. If you are visiting us from another city, we suggest you stay overnight and travel the next day.
  • Bring a Companion: It is strongly recommended to bring a companion with you. Whether it is a friend or family member, a companion can help take care of your things while you are in the treatment. If you are under 16, an adult (18+) must accompany you. 
  • Essentials to Bring: Make sure to bring your medications, an extra pair of underwear, and sanitary pads (for heavy flow). 

If you have any questions about the same, don’t hesitate to call us at Her Smart Choice where we want to help each woman make an informed choice about her body and life. 

We are based in Los Angeles at six locations with the sole aim of providing the right abortion treatment options to every woman who walks in through our doors.  

Abortion is not an easy choice and we completely understand the gravity of the situation. Without wasting much time, we will put you in touch with one of our experts for your assessment. 

Apart from the points mentioned above, depending on whether you are undergoing surgical abortion or using abortion tablets as a route, we will ensure that you have been notified of all the dietary and drinking restrictions. 

You can visit us by booking an appointment via call or email. 

But if you are in a hurry to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, we always welcome walk-in patients at all our locations. 

Our clinic not only provides abortion services, but you can also contact us for discussing family planning options such as birth control methods, get a pap test or STD test. 

We also help couples who are experiencing fertility issues. 

We cater to all patients irrespective of their financial background. We are known as one of the low income abortion clinics in Los Angeles. 

At Her Smart Choice, your reproductive and sexual health is our top priority![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


HER Smart Choice

Affordable Abortion Clinic – Safe and Stable Step Forward

Life can take unexpected turns, right? Things can change in a flash of a second. Just the sight of the double lines in the pregnancy test stick can be enough to send you spiraling into doubt, confusion, anxiety, and concern about the future. 

Motherhood is a special phase. But, not every woman is ready to fully enjoy the phase or even ready to bear the responsibilities that come bundled with it.

If you don’t plan on becoming a mother at the moment, abortion is a suitable option. 

You will find a number of anti-abortion campaigns and propaganda on the Internet, but don’t let any of it force you into doing what you aren’t happy with.

If you want to get an abortion, you should first get in touch with an abortion clinic where you can either get a surgical abortion or get abortion pills, also referred to as medical abortion.

The choice between medical and surgical abortion depends on multiple factors like your preference, the duration of the pregnancy, and your medical health.

The expert medical care providers at the abortion clinic would help you make an informed choice in this regard.

While childbirth and parenthood are expensive, abortion is also not completely free of costs.

If you are struggling financially and do not wish to spend a lot of money on getting the procedure done, you can easily get that done at one of our affordable abortion clinics.

Now, finding an affordable abortion clinic might be a little tough. Given the many abortion clinics being run and advertised on the Internet, it becomes difficult to choose from the options available.

Also, there are a lot of substandard facilities that might attract you with their low costs.

Her Smart Choice, however, gives you the best medical care along with the relevant financial aid.

Our experts will not just help you navigate through the medical and psychological aspect of abortion, but also help you mitigate the financial burden in a relevant manner.

As an affordable abortion clinic striving towards offering all women the right choice at the right time, we make sure you are well taken care of.

Other than offering abortion clinic pills and surgical abortion, we also offer other feminine healthcare facilities and sexual health and fertility treatments.

Our family planning services help people take complete control of their sexual and reproductive health.

At the Her Smart Choice, you can get fertility treatment, STD/STI testing, and treatment along with birth control options.

As a woman, we understand you need to be fit and healthy to be able to lead a balanced life. And for your specific problems, we offer specialized care.

The environment at Her Smart Choice is warm, friendly, and non-judgmental. We support you in any and all decisions that you take regarding your body and your life.

All we do is give you the right medical information and guidance that can help you make a safe and secure choice. Also, our services are aimed at offering affordable reproductive care to everyone. You can contact our experts directly or visit the clinics to discuss further financial support options available.


How To Differentiate A Normal Menstrual Cycle From An Abnormal One?

3 Things to Know Before Getting an Abortion Done

If you are not willing to start a family at the moment, missing your periods can be a scary situation for you. If you think you are pregnant and want to get an abortion, you should first take a deep breath, relax, and then act.

If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, abortion is certainly a viable option. But, it is not always the case. There can be situations when you should consider other options. Unlike surgical abortion, medical abortion which includes pills is a much safer alternative.

Nevertheless, if you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, visit an abortion clinic at the earliest.

However, before you get an abortion done, here are 3 important things that you need to consider:

Is your pregnancy viable?

There can be certain cases when the pregnancy is not viable. In such situations, there are complications in pregnancy that are most likely to result in a natural miscarriage.

Though these situations are rare, you should visit an expert and before directly looking for an abortion, get the proper checkup done.

In case of a pregnancy that is not viable and natural miscarriage is likely to occur, take steps as per the suggestion of the expert.

How many weeks pregnant you are?

The stage of pregnancy plays an important role in deciding the method of removing pregnancy. Your medical care provider will be able to guide you in the best way.

At Her Smart Choice, we make sure we consider how many weeks pregnant you are before suggesting any best option.

At our private abortion clinic in Los Angeles, we carry out proper tests and then make sure that the decision that you make is well guided and based on accurate information.

Get Tested for STD/STI

Even if you do not have any active symptoms of STD/STI, you might be infected. Before you get an abortion, it is wise to get tested for STD/STI.

There have been cases when the abortion procedures became complicated due to underlying STDs or STIs.

This can pose a major risk to your lifelong reproductive and overall health.

At Her Smart Choice, you cannot just get a safe abortion, but also get tested and treated for STD/STI, if the need be.

Her Smart Choice believes that you have all the right to make decisions for your life and those decisions should be based on complete information and proper guidance.

The staff at our abortion clinics is non-judgmental and completely supportive. We understand you, And we make sure you get the treatment and care that is the best suited for your mental, physical, and reproductive health.

If getting an abortion is your choice, we will make sure you are given proper guidance, treatment, aftercare, and all possible help.

Life can get tough sometimes. And in situations like these, Her Smart Choice helps you make the right choice.




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Safe Convenient Affordable Abortion Pills from Her Smart Choice, women's health center abortionabortion provider abortion pillsbirth controlfamily planning servicesGynecological ServicesUrogynecologyInfertilitypap teststd testingIUDSsurgical abortionMedication abortionwomen's health clinicabortion provider Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles $50 - 1200 Price Range: $$$ 213-344-0267 2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles Her Smart Choice - Abortion Clinic and Gynecologist in Greater Los Angeles
2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307
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2226 E Cesar Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033 213-344-0267 213-372-0307